Date: 5/14/2017,
True Story
Consensual Sex
Author: Hellraser
... pair of cutoffs and a t-shirt. Sal pulled on a sun dress but I noticed she had left off any underwear. I leaned in and told her quietly I'd have a hardon all day, knowing she was naked under that dress. She just turned and rubbed herself up my front. Shit! hardon city. After regaining control, we went back the siblings. "Guys, we are headed to's grocery time. I'll spring for breakfast but we need to do most of our own cooking from now on or we'll end up broke." Hustling out to my Mustang, we motored into the local town. We gave the girls the shopping list with the limit being too much junk food. It was ok to get a few bags of cookies or some candy bars and be sure to stock up on pop. Once they headed down the isles, I pulled Tracy outside where we could talk. "Pard, you are neglecting your sister and she's bugging the hell out of me. I thought you were going to try back door her last night?" "I got off so hard when she gave me that blow job I couldn't help it, I fell asleep." "What are you? A one-shot wonder? How can you just roll over and start snoring like that?" "It felt so good and I was so relaxed, it was easy." "Dude, if you'd hang in there, you'll find you can get even more relaxed and your sister might even be satisfied for once. Sex is a reciprocal thing. Barb isn't here just to get you off and you know how aggressive she is." "Couldn't you just fuck both of them? That way they'd both be happy." "Barb and I talked about it last night....over your snoring. ...
... She has to talk to Sal and whatever Sal says, goes. I'm not gonna screw up a good thing. I figure you have a couple of choices - either get in the saddle and do her like she wants or find someone to take the load off. Remember, if you do her, you'll still get your rocks off and she'll tone it down a notch or two. Oh, I want to stop in the drug store before we head back." Going into the local Rexall drug, I found the condom area and looked around til I found what else I had on my private list - KY jelly, an enema bag and some massengille douche powder. Wouldn't you know, it was all in the female's section. Paying for a new box of Trojans and a family sized tube of KY and the rest, we went back down the street. Tracy thought about all we'd discussed as we walked back in the store. The girls were up to the cashier now, so I got the total and wrote out one of the blank checks I had from Tracy's dad. Loading up my trunk, the girls wanted to ride in the back seat together so Tracy piled up front. Very soon the whispering and giggling started. They kept this up the entire trip back to the cabin. After unloading the groceries - some into our mini fridge and the rest into the main cabin's fridge and pantry, we all decided to hit the swimming area. Both girls disappeared into the main cabin where their clothes were located. It wouldn't do if their folks came up and found the girl's stuff in OUR cabin. After what seemed like an hour wait, the ladies paraded out in new beach cover ups and ...