1. Youth

    Date: 5/14/2017, Categories: True Story Anal Bi-sexual Consensual Sex Author: Hellraser

    ... failed to buy any food. Tracy would 'sip' at a cup of coffee but never seemed to finish it. An acquired taste, I guess. Me, if you cut me, I think it'd be a toss up between soda or coffee that ran out my veins, depending on the time of day. I guess I made too much noise because Sal got up, followed by Tracy. Barb was still dead to the world. Sal came into our little 'kitchen' area, wrapping her naked body around mine. All we had was a mini fridge and a beat up old microwave, but everything suited our purpose. She smelled so good early in the morning so I turned and pulled her into my arms, kissing her sweet teen lips good morning. "You have a choice - soda or coffee, you pick." "Could you maybe give me a mouthful of cum?" she asked with a gleam in her eye. Damn, this was the second day of our summer together. I'll be a drained, skinny teen by the time fall gets here if I fill her needs at every whim. Life's a bitch, isn't it? "Hmm, like drinking beer, it's a just as tad early in the day. Let's wait for some alone time later." I leaned down and whispered in her ear, telling her now was not a good time as I watched Barb get up and stretch. "I gotta pee, anyone wanna come watch me?" I could not believe my ears. Where does she get this stuff? I've only read about it in those dirty magazine stories. Not hearing any takers, she stumbled down the steps and went into the big cabin to do her morning stuff. Sal was still clinging to my backside, rubbing her naked body across my back. ...
    ... I had the old morning wood as I wanted to get the coffee going before relieving myself. Tracy had gone off the other side of the porch and was seriously watering the grass. "I've got to go myself. You know, I've never seen a man pee before. Why is Tracy standing up? Isn't he going to make a mess and get it all over him?" "Big difference between boys and girls, sweetheart. We got a hose and you ain't." "Come with me while I go, I'd like to try peeing in the woods, it seems so nasty to do it that way." "You mean you've never squatted in the trees and just let it go?" "I've always been afraid something would crawl up my leg. My mom always told me mice just waited for the opportunity to catch a girl peeing outdoors, They'll run up your leg and jump into your pee spot." I may be fifteen but some people's parents are just fucking unbelievable. To me it would be better to chance a maybe field mouse than take the chance of rupturing your bladder because there isn't a convenient outhouse. Sheesh! Taking her hand, we walked down the steps towards the surrounding woods. After going in maybe 10 yards, the caboose was cut off from view. "This looks like a good spot" I said. She moved around on the other side of a tree from me. I watched her squat down but a flow never left her body." "I'm kinda scared" she said "what if a mouse runs up my pussy?" I walked around until I was facing her and squatted down. "I'll keep the critters away. You just do what you need to." "A man has never seen me ...