She is the One (Part 17)
Date: 5/13/2017,
Consensual Sex
Teen Male/Teen Female
Author: jashley13
... “Yeah, no problem. Why were you so concerned about it?” “Well, I haven’t had a chance to talk to him since I became all…not an asshole.” I laughed and he couldn’t help joining in. “Well, then he should like the new you.” “You’ll see.” “What does that mean?” “Carson and ‘like’—” There were the quotation marks again, “—have a very weird relationship.” “Okay, you’ve sold me. I gotta meet this guy.” He twisted his mouth. “Whatever you say, Jack.” Yeah, I was intrigued now. I hadn’t met anyone else in Craig’s family, not even his parents, and I was interested to see what the rest of the Carter clan was like. Craig’s unbelievably vague description of him made it even more intriguing. This could be interesting. “What did Craig want?” Kayla asked me as we headed out to our cars. “His cousin is coming for Christmas and he wanted to know if we would hang out with them.” “Two cousins in town for Christmas,” she said, grinning, “I have to tell Tara.” She and Tara had been texting each other like crazy ever since Tara had messaged us that she was coming for the holiday. I looked into the crystal ball of my mind and foresaw an endless stream of rapid-fire conversation between the two of them for as long as she was here. “Craig was being kinda weird about it, too,” I said, “He was telling me about how his cousin was all…” I waved my hands the same way Craig did. “Yeah, you have to watch out for people who are…” She waved her hands as well and giggled. After the final performance on Sunday, ...
... we all had to stay afterwards to strike the set. It was a huge pain in the ass, making us all sore and sweaty after a couple of hours of being sore and sweaty in our costumes, but at least it added a note of finality to everything. I’ll admit, taking it all apart felt a lot more satisfying than putting it all together. Quicker, too. Would be quicker if they just wheeled in a crate of sledgehammers, opened it, and said, “Go!” Ahhh, well. A man can dream of sledgehammers. Ms. Locke ‘supervised’ the striking. I use the quotation marks because it’s the kind of ‘supervising’ that involves her standing around and barking at us to move quicker. There was more than a little grumbling. Ever since her outburst on opening night, everyone was pretty pissed at her. The consistent and unfair criticism and demands of perfection weren’t helping. Yeah, we can always be better, but there’s a difference between saying, “Let’s see if we can do better,” and, “You suck, fucknut!” Okay, she didn’t actually say that, but she might as well have. Pissed off? Yeah, I was. Her attitude alone was more than enough to make me hesitant to ever want to be in a play of hers again. Four sweaty, aching hours later, we lined up at Ms. Locke’s desk to receive our credit for being in the play (what this actually did for us, I’m still not entirely sure). When it came to me, she gave me an odd look before having me sign the form. “Thanks,” I said, trying to at least come out on top in terms of politeness. “You could ...