1. She is the One (Part 17)

    Date: 5/13/2017, Categories: Fiction Consensual Sex Romance School Teen Male/Teen Female Author: jashley13

    ... I’d be a good old sassy gossip. Snap snap. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The other two performances went, by account of the actors, fairly smoothly. Ms. Locke, however…you know what? Let’s not talk about what she said. Let’s just say she was overbearing, overly critical, and a Grade-A Debbie Downer. Fill in whatever criticism you think someone of that description might say and you’ve probably come close. If you ask me, we did fantastic with all three performances, each one better than the last. Hell, we got even more standing ovations for the other performances and if that isn’t proof we were doing something right, I don’t know what was. We all worked together to keep our communal spirits up, since it seemed like Ms. Locke was working as hard as she could to bring them down. No worries, though. We did a lot better than she did. The Hannigans came the next night and loved the play just as much as my family had. True to his word, Craig and Becca came Saturday night as well. They both congratulated me on the play but, after a few minutes of chatting, Craig asked if he could speak to me alone. Kayla raised her eyebrows but shrugged and nodded. I went with Craig to an empty corner of the auditorium and said, “What’s up, man?” He looked slightly uncomfortable. “Are you doing anything for Christmas?” “The usual. Why?” “I mean, is your family going anywhere?” “No. Why?” ...
    ... “Well…” He took a deep breath and sighed. “My family planned to go visit my cousin for Thanksgiving but we had to cancel at the last minute. So he’s coming here for Christmas.” I frowned. “Doesn’t your cousin live around here?” “No, no, my other cousin. Carson. He lives a few states away.” “All right…” I waited but he didn’t say anything else. “And this is important to me because…?” Craig took another deep breath. He was really making this a lot more dramatic than it needed to be. “Look, would it be possible for you and everyone else to hang out with us when he’s here?” “Sure. My cousin Tara is visiting as well. Cousins’ Christmas, I guess.” He didn’t smile. “Just so you know he’s…a little weird.” “What grade is he in?” “He’s a freshman.” “Craig, it’s high school. Everyone’s weird.” He chewed his lip and beat his fists together. “No, what I mean is…Remember how I used to be?” “Unfortunately.” “Well…Carson isn’t exactly like that. He’s more of the kind of guy who…” He waved his hands about. “Shit, I’m not explaining this very well.” “You aren’t explaining it at all .” “All right. All right. I just want to let you know that he’s a little weird around people. He’s ‘cool’.” He said this while doing the most exaggerated quotation marks with his fingers I had ever seen anyone do. “He’s not an asshole or anything but…” “Look, Craig,” I said, putting a hand on his shoulder, “We’ll hang out with you guys, okay? I promise. I don’t care how weird he is.” He looked relieved. “Thanks, Jack.” ...