Rhapsody in Red Pt2
Date: 10/12/2015,
Author: jack-orff
... transformed his life. He saw the truth in her eyes, felt it in her heartbeat and the best answer he could give was instinctive. He kissed those lips which had never spoken so softly to him. She replied wholeheartedly, sliding her tongue between his lips as smoothly as his cock slid to an explosive burst inside her cunt. "MMMMMMMMMMMOOOOTTHHHHEEERRRRRRR!" He groaned, shivering in the waves of bliss washing over him as he spurted a rich load of spunk inside her. "Yes baby." She whispered, kissing his face. "Let it all go." His body stiffened while he pumped another heavy load into her cunt which milked every drop until it spilled over and ran down her crack. She whispered sweet nothings while soothing him with her hands until his body relaxed upon hers, replete with joy at the experience. "Mother, I..." He whispered. "Sssshhhh baby, I know." She assured him, stroking his back langerously in the afterglow, basking in their love. 'Of course she knew.' He thought. 'She always knew how much I loved her.' The feeling of being loved in return was, however, new to him ...
... and he lay silently within her, trying to come to terms with this revelation. They lay in post-coital bliss for some time before he softened and slipped from her with a soft squelch. Gordon stood up and helped his mother to her feet like the dutiful son he was, and always would be. "Time for bed Gordon." His mother said, taking him by the hand. "But it's only just gone 10." He protested. "Do as you're told." She said, leading him from the room. "Yes mother." He replied sheepishly, following his cum trailing down her legs, as she led him upstairs. How he would manage to sl**p at this time of night he didn't know and he turned to go into his room, chagrined at the way their evening had ended. "Don't be silly Gordon!" She said in exasperation, pulling him back sharply. "When I said come to bed." She reiterated more softly, smiling at the look of puzzlement on his face. "I meant come to bed with me." Understanding dawned in his eyes like the sun rising on a new day and Gordon followed his mother into her bedroom for the first, but not the last, time.