Rhapsody in Red Pt2
Date: 10/12/2015,
Author: jack-orff
... flailing legs apart with his arms while he ate her up like his favourite cake - saving her clit for last like the cherry on top. Her shrill cries descended into a long, guttural moan as she felt his teeth sc**** across the sensitive tip of her clit, rising up the scale to an hysterical wail when it became trapped inside his mouth, making her sound like some sort of sexual diva practising a particularly difficult aria. She clamped his head to her crotch with her thighs, wrapping each leg around his neck, adding bliss upon ecstasy by using her hands on her breasts, roughly squeezing and pulling on them as her body exploded in rapture. Although he couldn't hear, he could certainly feel, her reaction to his tongues attentive caress. The sensation of being smothered in soft flesh was beyond anything he'd ever imagined. Her clit swelled in his mouth as he sucked it. Her cunt smeared his lips with hot cum and he breathed nothing but sex for as long as she wanted him to do so. But, although he was relishing the experience, he would appreciate it more if he could get some air! He choked on her thick bush as he opened his mouth in a desperate attempt to breath, flailing wildly with his arms in an attempt to get a grip on his panic or, preferably, her legs to find a way out of controlling her. He quickly realised he had more chance of parting the Red Sea than her mighty thighs and tried pushing on her bouncing buttocks in order to f***e her up. His efforts only served to heighten her ...
... pleasure, especially when he slapped her cheeks in desperation. He began to gnaw on her flesh like an a****l caught in a trap, but this only served to increase her frenzy, bucking wildly on his face, smearing him with a gush of steaming juices that gave him two choices. Drink or drown? He chose to drink and hoped she'd finish cumming before he drowned. 'What a way to go!' He thought... The last rational thought to cross her mind was: 'He's a natural,' before the pent-up frustration of over two decades burst from her lips in an ear-splitting shriek as her orgasm peaked. It had felt as though she'd been plugged into the main circuit of her latent desires when he'd chewed on her clit, his slapping hands merely adding to the exquisite sensations flooding through her cunt. Eventually, as her spasms subsided, he was able to prise her thighs apart and pull away to grab a much needed breath of air. His ears rang, his face felt sticky and his tongue was coated with her juices but those minor discomforts were amply rewarded by his happiness at making her feel so good. He wiped the sweat from his eyes and, as his vision cleared, saw she was using her fingers to keep herself amused. He wiggled a finger in each ear to stop them ringing and heard her repeating two words over and over: "Fuck me. Fuck me..." She panted, fully aware that it was now or never and, in binding him to her she understood it was a two-way street; she was also bound to him. If they didn't consummate that bond ...