Hunt Or Be Hunted
Date: 4/2/2017, Categories: Fantasy Authoritarian, Cannibalism, Drug, Horror, Humiliation Author: Interesting Reed
... going to let her take it. I seen Tucker grab Pualina by her arm when she was getting chatted up by some college stud. I had a few cans of light beer in me. So when I saw her struggle to break her arm free from his grip I did what everyone else did. Nothing. Well that's not completely true I got up but sat back down. Tucker wasn't alone he had his football linebackers with him. Its not like he was smacking her around but still…I went to act like I was getting another beer and made my way to the back of the party. Just in time to see Tucker take Paulina into the ally by his car. I peeked over into the ally and saw them getting into it. Paulina saying something like. "Oh I can't talk to another man…but you can get sucked off by Becky under the bleachers every away game?" Tucker didn't deny anything he just back handed her twice. I seen enough. I threw my beer in the direction of Tucker, but I guess he saw the glint of the can in his car window and ducked. The beer can ended up hitting Paulina right in the face. I busted threw into the ally and saw Paulina holding her nose and her hands covered in blood. "Aye jerk. Did you throw that can at my girl?" Tucker asked as he made his way to me. "I...no. I.." I was obviously speechless due to my rage. With my fist balled up I swung my right fist and hit Tucker right in the jaw. Tucker didn't even flinch he took that right hook like a champ. I started to feel like I might have bitten more then I could chew. With a quick body blow I was ...
... on the ground coughing. Well I blew it so much for being the hero. On the bright side Paulina now knows who I am. I'm the jerk who busted her face with a beer can. Oh God can life get any worse? Tucker took his girl into the car and drove off. I was left curled up in the ally crying manly tears of pain. A few days passed I was really hoping to get my shit together before school started on Monday. True to my luck I didn't. My boss gave me two dubble shifts back to back on Saturday and Sunday. I was completely tired by Monday and wasn't prepared for what was about to happen. The day was generic class, walking in the hall before the next class, and repeat until lunch. At lunch Paulina was sitting in her usual table along with the other popular girls in school. As I passed by them they stoped whispering and all shot me the dirtiest glare. If looks could kill I would've died three times over. I pushed pass them and sat with my "friends". Really they are the other loners and out casts that just group up during lunch only cuz no other table would have us. There was Irving the smelly kid who seems to not have ever mastered the shower or learned how to use deodorant. Blake the above average nerdy kid who was so nerdy even the nerds picked on him, and Chelsea. She was you typical goth. Heavy make up scary hair color and leather clothes with huge steel toe boots. My little group of misfits. Sure they didn't talk to me or even acknowledge my existence but I knew we had a unspoken bond. ...