1. Hunt Or Be Hunted

    Date: 4/2/2017, Categories: Fantasy Authoritarian, Cannibalism, Drug, Horror, Humiliation Author: Interesting Reed

    ... instead let's put these vicious killers into a ever changing arena. Lets put some live cameras some advertising and watch them kill each other for our entertainment. Fun for the whole family. Hell I'll admit to watching it a few times. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I be in the Arena myself. Well that's how I ended up here stuck with a bunch of low lives with my life depending on a old gun that could jam on me blood thirsty killers literally trying to kill me. I seen enough episodes of the Arena to know they have five different stages. Desert, jungle, crater, metro, and a unique stage. The unique stage was a gauntlet stage filled with traps deadly animals and starving cannibals. Luckily this wasn't a unique stage. It was a desert stage that ment hot sand little cover and lots of open air. The Arena was completely automated. The people banging on the glass around the stage was real at one time. That was until the prisoners shot out the glass and started to kill the spectators since then live audiences were banned. Now the crowds watch in a separate building and there actions are reflected on holograms around the arena. The arid dry air started to blow around us. Thank God they decided to imitate a sand storm. If they didn't it be a mad dash to the rocky side of the field. Each prisoner wore a different color jumpsuit. Our color was yellow we just might make it out alive. Charlie pulled me along to the left heading to the rocky side. I thank him for his help, but I ...
    ... don't have shoes so I was busy cursing at the rock trying to insert themselves into my feet. My shoes were stolen by some large asshole on my first day here. Charlie managed to convince him I'm not worth the effort to beat up so he just took my shoes. Charlie was my cellie he and I shared a cell and that's all. "No gay shit or nothing or I'll kill you right now understand homie?" Was the first words he told me I agreed. Since then we been looking out for one another well mostly him making sure I don't get my ass beat in by some jerk wad. Today our numbers were picked out for the hunt lucky me I might get out of this faster then I though...in a body bag. Charlie has been around for a while six months that's a long time almost record worthy. His last cellie tried to escape threw the glass using his head as a battering ram. Needless to say he didn't make it out. Shit the other team entered. How did I know? We started to get shot at. The longer you live the better weapons and perks you get. Me I got some piece of shit gun that probably jam on me. Charlie had a dubble barrel shot gun, 9mm with two clips and a long cleaver. The rules are simple don't die. Try to kill at least one person. Last team with the most survivors wins. Simple enough right? Oh yeah and watch out for booby traps and stashed weapons. Charlie and me were safely behind a large rock trying to see where the other guys are. Jerome was busy choking out some ratty looking guy wearing a black jumpsuit. Nice one down four ...