Portal Project - The Lottery Games
Date: 3/21/2017, Categories: Dark Fantasy Exhibitionism Female/Female Humiliation Non-consensual sex Slavery, Spanking, Author: The_Technician
... lying flat across supports which kept them about three feet off the ground. The bars were eight or ten inches apart and about fifty yards long, running in the same direction as the track. The first woman threw herself down on the ground, slid beneath the bars in the muck, and began frantically crawling on her stomach. “It looks like some of the selectees know the importance of being in the first one hundred through the pig walk,” the announcer observed. “As soon as the one-hundredth selectee stands up on the other side of the barred area, the muck beneath the grating is electrified.” He laughed slightly, “The pulses will get stronger until by the time the 275th selectee stands up at the other end of the troughs, it will be almost impossible for the selectees still in the mud to move because of the muscle spasms. But that won’t make much difference, because anyone beyond 275 will be out of the race and in the punishment stocks.” As he was talking, the cameras zoomed in for a closeup as the women in the mud began screaming. Evidently the electricity was flowing through the mud because they all twitched and screamed at the same time. Several fell on their faces into the muck. One woman pulled herself up on top of the girl in front of her and began pulling herself rapidly across the backs of the other women. The mud was evidently very slick because she seemed to slide almost effortlessly along. “We’ve never seen that move before,” shouted the announcer. He held his earpiece ...
... more tightly to his ear and said, “The judges are saying that it is not specifically forbidden, so she won’t be disqualified, but that will be part of the post-race meeting discussions and may be banned for next year.” The camera was now in a closeup shot following the woman as she slid over the backs of her fellow selectees. She was almost at the end when the woman she was attempting to slide over raised up and pushed her firmly against the overhead bars. She screamed loudly as she thrashed and twitched violently. “Oh!” yelled the announcer. “The judges might not have to do anything about it after all! The selectees themselves will take care of it in the future. Those upper bars are alternately electrified and touching two of them at the same time delivers a really severe shock. That selectee is going to be lucky to be able to walk, let alone run, when she gets out of the trough.” His prediction showed to be true as the camera followed the sliding woman as she dragged herself out from under the bars. She stood up on very wobbly legs and fell back to the ground several times before stumbling on with the rest of the pack. There were a series of gates a few hundred yards past the pig walk, and most of the field had passed her before she had gone more than half that distance. The gates snapped shut just before she reached them. “There were fourteen who dropped out at the start, so there should be eleven at this elimination point,” the announcer explained. There were a half-dozen ...