1. Portal Project - The Lottery Games

    Date: 3/21/2017, Categories: Dark Fantasy Exhibitionism Female/Female Humiliation Non-consensual sex Slavery, Spanking, Author: The_Technician

    ... possible to pick up radio, TV, or internet noise through any of the other portals. The next day, Lieutenant Commander Ryan Wetherington called a meeting of the entire project team and announced. “I think that we need to find a way to send an ambassador from our dimension to this other world. When they re-establish contact, I want you to see if there is some way that I can go over to their side to attend these games... I mean, to speak with their government and talk about what we can do for each other.” Ruthie spoke up. “We don’t have to wait until the portal is totally open,” she said. “There is a message program on the alien computer that is still connected to their system.” She shrugged. “Unfortunately, I am the only one who is able to read it, and we haven’t figured out a translation program. But I will see what I can work out with Breanna... that’s the one who sent me a message overnight.” “Do that!” ordered Ryan. “And see if you can get something put in place before those games begin.” With that he walked out of the room. Seventeen voices whispered, “Asshole!” as he left. *** A week later The Portal Project team was again assembled in the conference room. “Well,” Ryan began, “what progress have we made in the past week?” “None of the other portals show any radio activity,” answered Johansson. “But the people in portal seven are very anxious to establish relations with this dimension,” said Ruthie with a smile. “There is one problem, though.” She paused and pressed her ...
    ... lips together like she was afraid to continue. “And that problem is...?” Ryan asked sarcastically. “The problem is that they highly recommend that the ambassador not be you,” Ruthie said quickly. “They recommend that the ambassador from their side be Breanna, and that the ambassador from this side also be a woman.” “Didn’t you see how women are treated on their side of the portal?” he responded with a huff. “We need to send a man, and I am exactly the kind of man that is needed.” “But sir,” said Johansson, “they have explained that...” Ryan cut him off with a shout, “I don’t care what they have explained. When we re-establish portal contact set up the transfer for me to go through, and make sure that it is set up so that I can attend those games...” He coughed lightly and looked around before completing with, “... and get a full flavor of that culture and society.” “If you insist, sir,” Johansson answered. “But I think you should put that order in writing.” “Good insight, Midshipman,” he snapped back. “I will even make it a direct order so that none of you dweebs can change things at the last minute.” “Yes, sir,” Ruthie answered. Ryan smiled as he left the room. Things were finally beginning to turn around. Ruthie even called him “sir.” *** The thirty days finally passed and the entire team was gathered in the project control room for the anticipated re-establishment of full contact. Several team members had strongly suggested that the successful contact be reported to the ...