Portal Project - The Lottery Games
Date: 3/21/2017, Categories: Dark Fantasy Exhibitionism Female/Female Humiliation Non-consensual sex Slavery, Spanking, Author: The_Technician
... they formed an X in the air between the two women. As soon as they had finished, two judges raced onto the track to inspect the connections. After viewing all five pairs, both judges turned toward the cameras– or perhaps the stadium seats– and moved their arm up and down in what was apparently a signal that all was ready. “The rules of this contest are simple,” Jim explained. “All you have to do is drag your opponent into your red area. As soon your opponent’s foot touches your red area, you win.” There was a loud sound similar to the cannon that started the first race and all ten women began pulling back against the chains. Jim pointed out the obvious, “The problem for these selectees is that no matter how you pull against your opponent, you are effectively pulling with either your tits or your clit. If you bend slightly forward like number three is doing, it protects your breasts, but it creates slack in the neck strap and the hook moves away from your body.” The camera zoomed in on number three, and then moved to the lane alongside her. “But if you put your shoulders way back like number six there, you protect your clit but put additional pull on your nipples.” Harold appeared in the corner, “That’s right, Jim, and those nipple clamps tighten more as the tension increases on the chain. They aren’t going to slip off, but they are going to get really painful before this contest is over.” “Whoa!” Jim yelled. “Look at that action in lane one.” One of the women was bucking her ...
... body forward and then snapping it back in an exaggerated pelvic thrust. As she leaned forward, the breast chains between them would go slack. The pelvic thrust action that followed would cause her to lean back snapping the chains taught once again. The woman chained to her screamed each time that happened but more importantly, when the bucking woman again leaned forward and pushed her ass back, she would also take a step backward. “That has to be a very painful technique, but it is very effective. I don’t think that number nine even realizes that she is in the yellow area. A couple more steps and she is going to be in the red. Annnnd ... there’s the bell. We have our first elimination in what has to be close to record time.” One of the judges came running out accompanied by two security men and disconnected the chains which bound the two women to each other. The winner was allowed to walk back into the preparation area, but the loser was taken to a set of posts where her arms were released from the restraint glove and raised above her head to where they were attached to the posts. The competition chains were still hanging from her body. The cameras switched back to the track where the four remaining pairs were slowly moving back and forth within the green area. One of the women screamed as her opponent pulled especially hard, tugging the nipple clamps, causing them to squeeze down hard on her nipples. She lost her concentration and stumbled forward slightly in an attempt to ...