1. Portal Project - The Lottery Games

    Date: 3/21/2017, Categories: Dark Fantasy Exhibitionism Female/Female Humiliation Non-consensual sex Slavery, Spanking, Author: The_Technician

    ... one hundred. And the paddles at this point are specially designed with holes and slots to increase the pain.” “You have a point there, Harold,” Leroy responded. “I guess you have to decide if fifty with the cane is better or worse than twenty or so with a cane plus an additional fifty with the paddles.” He laughed again in his artificial way, “I’m glad I don’t have to make that choice.” As the camera switched to a shot of the women running for the final gates he continued, “Remember, the caning and spanking punishments will be included in the full video when you purchase it.” The image then switched to a camera on the other side of one of the gates as it zoomed in on the face of one of the trailing women. Her face was contorted in anger as the gate slammed shut on her, driving her back into the crowd behind her. You could hear her screams of frustration as she grabbed the bars and attempted to push or pull the gate back open. That camera was now panning across the one hundred women who had made it through the gates. They were standing in the middle of the stadium, muddy, trembling, bent over, and panting with exhaustion. The chief announcer’s face appeared in the corner. “That ends day one’s elimination, our highlights and the action for day two will resume following this word from Bear Claw, the Real Man’s Beer.” *** Again, the commercial, itself, had been edited out. After a very brief black screen, the image returned with the primary announcer, Harold, standing high in ...
    ... a large circular stadium that was reminiscent of the Roman Coliseum. He pointed down to the arena and said. “You can see the combat arena below me. The selectees have been divided into ten teams of ten each. As you can see, there are ten home areas, each with ten restraint poles mounted on the outer circle. The idea is simple. You capture as many of your opponents as you can without being captured yourself. Once seventy-five restraint poles are filled, the round is over.” Another announcer appeared in the corner of the screen. He said, “And remember, in the unlikely event that a team can fill their poles, that team, or any remaining members of that team who are still free, are exempt from further battle and are automatically moved into the next round.” “That’s right, Bill,” bubbled Harold, “but we haven’t had a team move intact into the third round in over twenty years.” Loud music began to blare and he had to shout to be heard over the sound of bugles and drums. “The selectees are marching in now,” he yelled. “As soon as the music stops, the games begin. Take it away. Bill!” The selectees marched more or less in time to the music. Each woman had two large bands of color painted around her abdomen. One half of them had a red stripe just below their breasts, the other half had blue. Beneath that was either white, yellow, gray, brown or black. As they entered, they circled around to the home area that matched the colors painted on their bodies and stood in front of one of the ...