1. The Voice Over - BBBBTS

    Date: 10/7/2015, Categories: Hardcore Mature Taboo Author: therealbk

    ... will get your money worth." said Claire. "Thank you for being honest. Any problem with wearing a costume. Sometimes its easier to get into a acting role by dressing as the character." I said. "No problem. What ever you think is best. Just let me know. As long as you have something that will fit me. I am a big girl." giggled Claire. "Ok! Then I like to offer you the job. I see by the smile, you accept. Thank you Claire. Now I just need you to fill out this paperwork and sign the bottom. I know some of the question, might seem personal. I just need to know everything about my actors/actresses to put them in the right role." I said. She smiled. She then reached up to take the paperwork from my hand. I just kept watching her. She had such a amazing body. I could not wait to read her paperwork "All done?" I said. "Thank you. When do I start? What should I wear for my first day?" she said. "Is tomorrow to soon. Ok! How about 9 to 5 tomorrow. Wear something business casual. Maybe a skirt and white blouse. Your first scene tomorrow will be as a boss, in a small office. You have to discipline a worker. Thank you Claire. Let me walk you out. Good night!!" I said. I held the door open as Claire walked down the street. She turned to give me a wave, good night. I quickly locked the door to the studio. I walked back to my office. It was going to be another long cold shower, when I got home. I started to read my fake paperwork. Claire Hugges was 31 years old. She was married when she turned ...
    ... 21. She was 5ft 7. Her measurements were 48GGG 34inch waist and 42 inch ass. I gulped as she had not had sex for more than two years. Was she being totally honest? Was her husband a nut job? He must be. I put her paper work on my desk. I then left to go home. I wore some dark black jeans, a white button down collared shirt. I put on a loose fitted purple tie. A had a feeling Claire favorite color was purple. I put on some white low cut shoes. I wore some super tight white cotton boxer briefs, under my tight jeans. I left my socks in my dresser. I reapplied some cologne as I got in my SUV. I made it to my fake studio around 8am. I walked inside my office. I checked my watch as I set up today voice over session with Claire. Just before 9am, there was a knock at the front door. I walked casually toward the door. I did not want to let Claire know how excited I was for her to be here this morning. I slowly opened the door. "Good Morning!" I said. Fuck it was one of the skinny chicks from yesterday. "Sir! Is your phone broke? You never called me yesterday. To tell me I had the job." she said. "That's because you do not have the job. Thank you for stopping bye yesterday. But the part has been filled. There my star now." I said. I pointed to a taxi across the street. Claire was just getting out the back seat. "Her! You picked her. What does she have, that I don't have?" she said. "Class! Now go....Hi! Claire. Good Morning." I said. The skinny chick walked away mad. "Good Morning Mr. ...