1. The Voice Over - BBBBTS

    Date: 10/7/2015, Categories: Hardcore Mature Taboo Author: therealbk

    Buck's Big Boob Bed Time Stories.... The Voice over.... I am always looking for ways to meet, hot voluptuous women. I love bigger women with curves. A nice perfect hour glass figure. I had a great idea last week. I would take a few weeks off, from my regular job. I would put up some help wanted posters around town. I rented a small office, near my house. I put in a big oak desk. A big brown leather chair to sit in. A big brown leather couch and two fake plants in my office. A small computer chair, with no back in front of my desk. A reading lamp, phone and some note pads on my desk. I placed my laptop in the center of my desk. I had a small waiting room, adjoining my new office. I put three small chairs and a coffee table in there. I put a sticker on the outside door. B.K Film Studio. The next day, I got my first phone call. "B.K Film Studio, Mr. Kelly speaking. How may I help you?" I said. There was a pause. "My name Claire. I saw your poster on a pole near my house. I was wondering what you were looking for. Your poster just said "Now hiring...No experience needed. Will train. Looking for Actresses for voice over roles." What is a voice over role?" said Claire. "I'm looking for Actress to help in my films. I have to go back in and edit my films. I might use a different voice for the Actress in the movie. I also shoot lots of cartoons, and 3D animation. I need to dub in a voice for a character in the movie." I said. "That sounds fun. Can anyone apply?" she said. "Yes! Just ...
    ... come down to my office. I can text you directions." I said. "Thank you." said Claire. I hung up the phone. The rest of the day. I took a few more phone calls. I went and got some sexy outfits for them to wear. Some heels to try on. I even bought some sex toys for them to use as props. I have then suck on a big fake cock, pretending they were the cartoon character in the movie. Maybe use a vibrator on there pussy, like the character in the movie. The best sound. Was real sound. Not them faking it. I was just hoping one of these ladies on the phone would be hot enough to seduce in my office. Maybe she be hot enough. I would put her on the web, with her own website and makes lots of money. I crossed my fingers. I then went home to take a long cold shower. The next day. I walked to my new office. I had a pair of tan khakis on. A simple black golf shirt, with my name on the upper right pocket. A wore some simple black shoes on my feet. I left my underwear and socks in my dresser. I opened the door at 10am. About five minute later. There was a knock at the front door. I opened it up. There was a very tall, skinny girl outside. I invited her right into my office. I had a script from a old movie on my desk. I asked her to read a few lines. I was not interested in her. She was not my type. But I thanked her for coming in. I took her resume and put it in my desk. I then walked her to the door. There was another girl waiting outside. She was a medium height, and medium weight. She had no ...