1. Mom best friend educates me

    Date: 10/7/2015, Categories: Mature Taboo Author: masterkapt

    ... with who was also divorced, noticed her. He said “What did you do with yourself? You look very different and happy. Not like before when you looked sad and depressed?” She said “I stopped feeling sorry for myself and got over the notion there was something wrong with me and I caused my divorce” “Whatever you did sure worked. How doing dinner and a movie tomorrow?” She said yes. They hit it off and after a month of serious dating, he asked her to marry him. She told me this and said “I think we had better stop our sexual encounters. Could you still be my friend? And please, do not tell him about us. As far as he’s concerned you are my best friend’s son and a good friend to me. He is n oit to know “how good.” I said “No problem. But I will miss you and never forget you.” She said “You will find a girl your age and fall in love.” I said “and have to train her…?” “Like you are going to hate having to do that.” And we both laughed We did remain friends and her new husband was a great guy and treated her like a lady. Or, as she put it, a keeper. A while later, at our home, and talking to my mother, she did mention she had to train him in THAT art. I was in earshot and had to smile. She turned toward me and smiles to me. Mom said “What’s that all about?” She hates it not to be &#034in&#034 a conversation. Bertha said “Oh, a long time ago I told you that Bill was a sex fiend. I became more oriented toward having my wild side in bed. I just had to bring my new guy up to speed.” As mom turned toward me, I said “Yes, I was there when she said that.’ Mom said “I don’t remember that.” And let the subject drop. That’s another thing that Bertha and me had in common—we were both fast on our feet that way. My friend, lover and soul mate. The one that got away.