Mom best friend educates me
Date: 10/7/2015,
Author: masterkapt
... that later. I am trying to make a point.” She shook her head yes. “Again, you enjoy sex with someone you, I will use the word love, and you are willing to try anything within reason, right?” Again shaking her head yes. “So what kind of an asshole schmuck goes to another woman, when he has you at home?” She looked at me with a very serious look in her eye, and then said “OK. We have an agreement as to not telling anybody about ANYTHING we do or discuss, right?” “Absolutely right. Let me say this: I am asking because you are obviously versed at sex, and enjoy it. I just wanted to determine if there are women or men who want something which the other one considers being way too kinky, and walks out. This is strictly for my education.’ She kind of changed her look back to where it was and said “Bill is just one of those guys who thinks he is Gods greatest gift to women. We had good sex, whenever and wherever he wanted. And sometimes I initiated it. I thought he may have had many girlfriends before the last one, but I did not recognize the signs back then I guess I was naive and thought it could not possibly be true. I enjoy sex, and will do almost anything that way, but I want a man to be mine; not mine and theirs. I am sure that your parents feel the same way, as we were all raised that way. When I confronted him with the “other woman” speech, we got into a heated argument and he hit me and walked out. So I got a lawyer and ended it. He moved out of town after the divorce. By ...
... the way, nobody else knows the details. Not even your mother, who is my best friend” I said “I will not tell anyone. Telling my mother a “secret”, well putting it on TV would spread it faster, buy not that much.” She snickered and agreed. “To me, it seems the nice people marry the SOBs. I will not treat any women like that. If you don’t get along, then end it. Actually, if you don’t get along that well, don’t marry.” She said “You are a lot smarter than your years. If I were younger or you older, we’d at least be living together.” “And happy. Very happy.” OK, a comment and a question. You said that you thought Bill going to a younger woman was your fault. That is not true. I have known you practically all my life. He just laid a big guilt trip on you, to get an advantage.” She now had a big smile on her face and she gave me another I-love-you kiss. Continuing on: “Now the question part. You dress and act like you do not want another man. Is this because you think all men are assholes like Bill?’ She said “You know, you just may be right. I am going to have a long talk with myself over that. Thank you.” We got together here and there. I did notice she bought some younger looking clothes. She started wearing jeans and Capri pants, shorter dresses and skirts, tighter blouses, and more sexy bras. Now she looked a lot more like 30 than mid 40s. She had some dates here and there with guys her own age. In a way, we both re-invented each other. About 4 months later, a guy she worked ...