1. Dancing with Grace pt 4

    Date: 10/5/2015, Categories: Fiction Author: Dillan1, Source: sexstories.com

    ... he was pacing. "Shhh!" Catherine shushed and poked him hard in the arm. "Stop it! Sounds to me like the problem should be with Maggie, not Grace and Lucy. Besides, you've never been upset with Grace like this and you have those poor girls scared to death." "Well, maybe they should be. After a stunt like this, I may put both of them over my knee." Listening in the other room, Grace and Lucy looked at each other wide eyed. He wouldn't, would he? Catherine put her hands on her hips, but her voice remained calm, "Steven John McGarrett, those girls deserve a chance to explain what happened before you fly off the handle. You know this isn't like them. Now wipe that scowl off your face, Commander, and get in there and let them explain." Did she just call me by my full name? Steve thought half amused. And she poked me! In the arm! He rubbed the tender spot where her fist had jabbed him and thought about what she'd said. He knew Catherine was right. So, he took a deep breath, calmed himself down, and walked back into the living room with Catherine following close behind. He sat on the coffee table facing Grace and Lucy. Seeing their innocent faces on the verge of tears, he felt himself soften a little. Rather than letting himself get upset about what could have happened….again….he took another deep breath. "Okay, who wants to go first?" he asked as calmly as he possibly could. Both girls looked at him hesitantly before Grace finally spoke up. "We didn't want to go to the mall, Uncle ...
    ... Steve. Honest, we didn't. But after Lucy's mom left, Maggie said she just wanted to go by for a few minutes and then we'd come right back home. When we got there, she met her boyfriend. Maggie told us to walk around a little and meet her back at the fountain when it was time to go home. We were only going to stay for like 30 minutes." Lucy picked the story up from here. "We went back to the fountain when we were supposed to, but Maggie wasn't there. I tried to call her a couple of times and she didn't answer, so we just kept walking around trying to find her." Steve's blood pressure started to rise again. So they had tried to call big sister and she didn't answer? Oh, he was going to have a word with her father about this. Steve looked back at Grace. "Why didn't you answer your phone when I called?" Shame filled Gracie's face and she swallowed, "Because I knew you were going to be mad. I wanted to find Maggie so we could get back home before anyone knew we were gone." "You still should have answered the phone, Gracie. When plans were changed and you found yourself somewhere you shouldn't have been without permission, you knew better than to stay there by yourself, right? You had us worried sick!" Grace looked down at her hands folded in her lap. "I know. But we knew Maggie would get into a lot of trouble if you guys found out. I'm really sorry." Okay, so now what, Steve thought. Just then, they heard a knock on the door. Lucy's dad was there to pick her up with the same scowl ...