1. Dancing with Grace pt 4

    Date: 10/5/2015, Categories: Fiction Author: Dillan1, Source: sexstories.com

    ... approached their table, Gracie saw the look on her Uncle Steve's face and sat up straight. She had never seen him like this before. He stopped right in front of their table, "Grace, get your things and come with me. You too, Lucy, let's go." Now Grace knew he was mad: He never called her "Grace"…..It was always "Gracie". "But Uncle Steve….." Grace tried to explain. Steve interrupted her, "Not now, Grace. Let's go. Right now." He looked from her to Lucy. Both girls quickly complied. "Where is Maggie?" he asked. Neither girl wanted to make him any angrier, so they told him where Maggie could be found. After locating Maggie, who had apparently gone there to meet a boy, Steve pulled her apart from said boyfriend and glared. "What are you doing leaving two little girls by themselves in a mall?" Maggie looked at Steve as if he had two heads. "Whatever, dude. We were only going to be here a little longer and I told them where to meet me. It's all good." Steve pointed a finger at her. "First of all, don't ever call me 'dude'. It's 'sir'. Do you understand me?" Maggie flinched a little but didn't say a word, so Steve continued, "Since you aren't responsible enough to watch them, I'm taking them back to my house and one of your parents can pick them up later." "Wait a minute!" Maggie wailed, "I can't go home without them. I'll get into trouble!" Steve looked at her matter-of-factly, "You're already in trouble, young lady. Now, if I were you, I would get my ass home." He didn't wait ...
    ... for her to respond. Instead, he took both Grace and Lucy's hands in his own and marched them out to his truck. Neither girl wanted to say much on the ride home. They knew they were in trouble, too. It seemed to take forever, but they finally made it back to Steve's house where Catherine was anxiously waiting. "Oh my God, Grace! Lucy! Are you girls okay?" Catherine went to hug both of them in relief. "Yes, Aunty Cath. We're fine. But Uncle Steve is really mad. He hasn't even let me explain." Grace pouted as both girls turned to look at him. Steve, however, was too upset to be deterred this time by the pouty faces or sad eyes that were turned his way. He pointed to the couch, "Grace, Lucy, sit down. Now." They weren't about to argue. Catherine gave Steve a look of her own before taking his arm and leading him into the kitchen where they could talk privately for a minute. She knew Steve was upset. He had also obviously been alarmed when he couldn't find Grace. But there had to be a logical explanation. This wasn't like Gracie. "Steve, you need to take a deep breath and calm down before you go in and talk to them." "I can't calm down, Catherine! Gracie lied to me. She was supposed to be at Lucy's house, but she ended up at a mall with a sixteen year old who was more interested in putting her tongue in her boyfriend's mouth than watching two little girls. Maggie left them alone. I mean, I don't even want to think about what could have happened." Steve's voice was getting louder and ...