Kris and Kat, The Swensen Girls
Date: 1/10/2017,
True Story
Consensual Sex
First Time
Group Sex
Male / Females
Author: Don'sdick
... necessary procedure in order to clean the cuts and stitch them up. There was a cut, about four inches long, located from the right side of her mound and angling toward her belly button. Two smaller ones were close. I happily applied the cream and, just for good measure, gave her pussy a little love pat. “Honey, I’ll help you with that anytime you want.” “Help me with what, the cut?... or the other?” “Both. I’ll kiss it, too if it’ll make it feel better… the cut and the other.” I barely got the sheet back in place when a nurse walked in, “Hi, I’m glad you’re here, Mr. Swenson. Little miss Kris hasn’t had a bath in three days. With that bulky cast, I sure could use a little help. It won’t be easy moving her around by myself.” “Uh… you want me to help?” “Sure, after all you are her husband. It’s not like you’ll see something new.” I glanced at Kris’ face and saw her snicker under her breath; that little shit knew what it was going to do to me… She delighted in giving me teasing looks each time she was in a position that her pussy and tits were exposed to my view. Once the nurse was done and Kris was tucked back in, I told her she had just about made me cream in my own jeans. She snickered and said, “I do appreciate the help…. Mister Swenson. I guess, since my name is Swenson… and you’re my ‘husband’… “I’ve been thinking, Don. I nearly died… You realize that?... I nearly died. I’ve been thinking about what you always tell me about spending a quarter. “I think you better start ...
... saving all the quarters you can find. When my cuts heal up enough, you’re gonna need them. I don’t intend to ever deny you again, but I’m not gettin’ pregnant until I’m out of college. Kiss me, but be careful of the cut on my nose.” It was just two weeks later when she got all her stitches removed. That Saturday night, when we left her house for our movie date, she handed me a five dollar bill, “I called the Hiway 24 Motel in Grantville. They only charge five bucks, as long as they can clean the room by eleven p.m. That way, they can rent it out again for overnighters… or for another young horny couple. “Did you spend a quarter today?” I told her to keep her five dollars. We would go straight to my room on the north side of town. I was only in town for one night and I wasn’t going to drive all the way to Grantville when I could, possibly, be emptying my nuts in a lot less time, “Check the glove box.” If I remember right, there were 23 packages of rubbers inside the door when she dropped it open. She said it hurt to laugh, but we did, anyway. Her mother had been thoughtful enough to buy Kris a couple of push-up, strapless bras. She never liked wearing button down blouses but, with that bulky cast, t-shirts or pullovers were out of the question. I probably should have taken more time and savored the experience of undressing the girl much longer, but I was so fuckin’ excited, I had her stripped in seconds. Next was the problem of position… Again, that damn cast was in the way. ...