1. Kris and Kat, The Swensen Girls

    Date: 1/10/2017, Categories: True Story Anal Authoritarian, Blowjob Cheating Consensual Sex First Time Group Sex Male / Females Romance Virginity Author: Don'sdick

    ... picked up the phone and called Kris. “(sniff)… Hello?… (sniff).” “Kat? Uh… is Kris around?” “DON! (sniff) Oh Don, finally! We’ve been trying to find you.” “What? What’s goin’ on, Katherine?” “Kris had a wreck. (sniff) She’s hurt bad. She’s in the hospital.” “Okay, I’m going straight out there. Is your mom with her?” “(sniff) Yes, can you pick me up?” “I’ll be right there.” I’ll, quickly, tell you a little about Katherine, Kris’ little… make that, ‘younger’ sister. Kat was only a year younger Kris but she had a rare learning disability. She had no problem, whatsoever, communicating with people of any age, but her ability to comprehend math and breakdowns of the English language was severely limited. As a result, instead of being one grade lower in school, she was going to be a nineteen year-old senior… in a fantastic body. Plain face, nice smile… fantastic body. Since boys had the ‘I gotta have a younger girl’ stigma, none of them would ask Kat out on a date; she was two years older than most of the seniors. Back to the story… ICU would only let family members see Kris, so her mother told the nurse that I was her husband. We all took turns sitting in her room, holding her hand… waiting for her to wake up. Her dad had made her mother and Kat go home for some rest the next afternoon. I had called the farmer I was working for and told him the circumstances. He was understanding and told me to take all the time I needed. I was holding her hand when she awoke. Earl, her dad, had ...
    ... gone outside to smoke. I suspected he went to his pickup and took a couple nips of the vodka he always kept, too. Kris tried to smile, but the pain of the cut on her chin stopped her, “Ouch.. What’s going on? What happened?” Until the day she died, she never remembered the wreck, nor that first day, when she had awakened for a few minutes. Her last memory was seeing the tractor, parked. In her mind, she questioned why I wasn’t on it. She didn’t recall traveling around the entire section lines of wheat stubble, nor did she remember pulling out in front of the speeding car. I told her about the wreck, her broken collar bones (no airbags in those days) and the many cuts she received when she was thrown through the windshield. She told me she was tired, closed her eyes and went back to sleep. When I relieved her mom on the third day, Kris was awake, alert and in some minor pain, “This cast is driving me crazy. (It completely covered her shoulders, down to the top of her tits, and down her back to the same level) I have to put up with this damn thing for six weeks. At least I’ll get rid of it before classes start again. I need some help with something, please, honey,” she managed a slight smile, “and I don’t think you’ll mind.” She pulled the sheet back, exposing her legs, pussy and up to her navel, “Will you put a little of that cream on this cut? They said it will numb the pain a little.” My confined cock jumped to full attention as I gazed at the shaved pubis. It had been a ...