Eros University: Chapter 1
Date: 1/6/2017,
Author: blogger007
... I explored my not-so-humble abode. Next I checked out the shower and bathroom. The bathroom mirror reflected my figure: about 5'8 with a sturdy build, I had medium-length black hair that was combed back, dark brown eyes, and a strongly contoured face with a prominent jaw. There was a small scar under my chin from a cut I received when I was ten years old. My skin resembled a natural, light-brown tan, so most people found it difficult to place my background. At the moment my lips were set in a wide grin. After that I explored my bedroom, which was simple yet serene in the sense that there was no major distraction for the eyes, just some plants, a stereo, and a small television hanging like a picture frame from the wall, not to neglect the king-sized bed (that I let many lovely ladies grace as our bodies were entwined in ardent love-making). A walk-in closet with its door open was filled with some empty hangers for my clothes and a few pairs of uniforms. Yes, uniforms. I later learned that all students were required to wear uniforms while in class, though during our spare time we could dress however we chose. You should see the uniforms the girls have to wear—hubba hubba! Next I went out onto the balcony to take in the rest of the school. My room was forty feet from the ground, which afforded a great view. A sleek carpet of grass rolled towards the forest; clusters of cherry, peach, and fig trees stood on the grass, casting wide shadows under which students sat reading or ...
... chatting on this fine summer evening. Most of the buildings looked ancient but there looked to be some newer ones off towards the forest. Ah, they're constructing another facility far off. And look, there's the girls dormitory way in the distance. Maybe I should check it out later…. Boredom spurred me to further explore the university. As I walked outside into the cool evening the orange sun was at its apex, hanging over some grayish clouds. I felt so small and feeble in this new environment. It was quite overwhelming. Upon further investigation it occurred to me that the second through fourth year students had already began their studies nearly two weeks ago. I met the irritable of their kind, daunted at some approaching test or essay that they couldn't even answer my questions of direction—I was as lost as a puppy. "Where the hell is it?" I asked myself out loud, standing on the grassy field and scratching the back of my head. "If I can't find it now I'll be late for class tomorrow." I turned about in every direction and finally spotted a girl sitting on a bench reading. "E-excuse me," I stammered after walking up to her. She looked up from her book with an irritated scowl. But then her features softened and she smiled. "Yes?" she asked. "Do you know how I get to Castle Turin?" "Sure!" she replied in a friendly voice, and pointed towards a far-off structure. "That's it over there. The thing that looks like a castle." We both laughed. I noticed her schoolbag, almost bursting with ...