1. Eros University: Chapter 1

    Date: 1/6/2017, Categories: Fantasy Anal Erotica School Voyeurism Author: blogger007

    Chapter 1: A Mysterious Letter Whoever got accepted to a university they didn't apply to? Apparently, I did. Last year in high-school I was burdened with the decision of choosing the best university for my future but just couldn't come to a conclusion. At first it was a variety of choices, many of them in different countries. Oxford in England, Edinburgh in Scotland; then there were Princeton and Harvard here. It took me months to come to a verdict and I finally chose Queens in Canada. Why? Because I thought it'd be fun to live on my own for a while; that and the fact that post-secondary education cost far less in Canada than here in the United States, even with the scholarships. But then it arrived, a letter with a wax seal like something out of the medieval age. The seal was in the shape of a red sun. No address was written on its face but my name was engraved in cursive gold letters. Naturally I opened it. The whole of it was also written in gold, though it wasn't very long in content: CONGRATULATIONS, ENYO VERGE, ""You have been accepted, with a full four-year scholarship, to the prestigious Eros University in the field of English Literature. We have monitored your high-school progress year-by-year and are impressed by your proficient talents in diverse subjects, particularly of the aforesaid. Should you choose to accept our invitation, you will be given free lodgings with all the basic necessities provided for at nil cost. Furthermore, we guarantee all of our scholars ...
    ... prompt employment in their chosen field immediately following graduation with a minimum yearly salary of $80, 000. Please check the box below labeled Yes or No affirming or denying your choice and then drop this letter in the envelope provided into the mailbox on your street: do NOT deliver this letter via the Post Office. For further information, please consult our supplemental booklet."" It was a complete surprise. I must've reread the letter about five times that same day and a few more times to the rest of my family. Then came the difficult decision of whether to actually accept the offer or not. I loved reading and had always aspired to be a professional writer, but why would I choose this Eros University, a place I'd never even heard of located who knows where, when I could choose a better known institution? Now, I'm not the smartest person in the world, but I knew that I wasn't going to some university I couldn't put on a resume. But the offer seemed too good to pass up, and thinking about it now, I probably made the right decision. Eros U. has such hot girls and such naughty dealings going on every day that it can drive any guy insane (much more on that later)! But it was the promises that decided it for me. According to the booklet which came with the letter, the institution was, as they say, in the middle of nowhere, and it was indeed prestigious. Not too many students are accepted because they only took on the brighter ones, which meant I wouldn't have to deal with ...