1. Eros University: Chapter 1

    Date: 1/6/2017, Categories: Fantasy Anal Erotica School Voyeurism Author: blogger007

    ... bigger than I had expected. Blue waves rocked the boat to the sound of the ocean's calm lullaby as we moved towards our destination. What a fine September day: the sun shone warm from above; the air was cool and the sky a soft indigo. I couldn't see the university at first because it was heavily wooded around the island's edge. But we weren't in the middle of nowhere; the island was connected to the main mass of land where our plane had landed by a long iron bridge. However, this just seemed to be a precautionary measure since I couldn't see any cars passing back and forth. It would make sense that the school supplies, such as food, were delivered via the bridge. In about twenty minutes we reached the island of Eros. I was completely stunned by the imagery. Such green, wild, and beautiful nature smiled at us on our journey; rare flowers and towering trees with huge branches of thick, vivid foliage lined our path. Birds sang their charming melodies and flying squirrels jumped from tree to tree. It was like being in a rainforest. Because of the wildness of the whole place we had to take a jeep (talk about style) and, after climbing a steep hill, I saw Eros University…or so I thought. "Actually that's Eros High," enlightened Ms. Maynard. It was built much later than Eros U. and helps to teach bright young kids early on and accept them later to our university so they can get the best education possible." I stared at as Eros High disappeared behind me. That's a high-school! ...
    ... "Just so you know," continued Ms. Maynard, "Eros High was completed only a year ago, so don't feel bad if you didn't get invited." She smirked as she said this. For a high school it sure was extravagant. But then there was Eros University itself appearing suddenly around a bend in the road, like some glowing palace of Imperial Rome in its days of glory. It covered such a huge distance that it was difficult to see where it began and ended. Sure, it wasn't as large as most universities, but that was because it had far less students. But it wasn't just its size; its design and form were magnificent. A work of pure elegance: arches, towers, domed-roofs, statues, fountains, a waterfall (yes a waterfall embedded in a hill-side), and...and so much more! There's was a prevailing colour scheme, a sort of rich cream, sometimes silver, and sometimes a dark brown. The materials: polished wood, marble, limestone, you name it. The place breathed extravagance. And its structures were arranged like pieces of some intricate puzzle. The pillar-like clock-tower, lying behind a large, many-windowed building, gave a feeling of the gothic. The newer domed edifice was somewhat in the middle and a large fountain of frolicking nymphs in direct center. It wasn't totally symmetrical, which was good because this only heightened its beauty by opting for a convergence of styles. There was also a forest to the right along with grassy hills where water ran down in silver streams to join a river. There was too ...