1. We hate clothes - part 02

    Date: 12/31/2016, Categories: Fiction Blowjob Exhibitionism Female exhibitionist, Male/Teen Female Written by women Young Author: vanessa.evans, Source: sexstories.com

    ... about this evening?” Noah asked. “Of course.” I shouted as I joined Jude in the shower. We decided to go down to the swimming pool for a while first and 2 very naked girls carrying towels and a bottle of suntan lotion left their room and walked down to the swimming pool. When we got to the pool there were only a few people there that we knew so we got lotioned up and lay out on the sun loungers. Jude said that she didn’t want the inside of her thighs to stay white so she, then me, opened our legs to let the sun get to that part of our thighs, and our pussies. A couple of the guys came to talk to us and we stayed like we were as they stood at the foot of the sun loungers and stared at our pussies as we talked. I was smiling to myself as I watched the shape of the front of their shorts change shape. When a few more people arrived someone suggested that we play a game of ‘get the ball’ in the pool. One of the guys had a football sized ball and most of us dived in and started playing. It wasn’t long before it became obvious that it was all an excuse to grope the girls. Whenever a guy got the ball he’d throw it to a girl and she’d just stand there holding it up in the air whilst 2 or 3 of the guys would ‘attempt’ to knock the ball out of her hands. The thing was what the guy’s hands never came out of the water. They were always too busy doing something to the girl under the water. I assume that the other girls stood with their legs apart; I know that I did. It was fun standing ...
    ... there with my arms up in the air while half a dozen male hands squeezed my little tits and fingered my pussy underwater. It was only when I accidentally dropped the ball that the game moved on. There were 5 girls playing in that game; all were topless before we started playing. Two of the girls wore only bikini bottoms and the other girl wore a thong. The two bikini bottoms and the thong all got thrown out of the pool by the guys at some point in the game and it was 5 uncovered, bald pussies and 6 tented guy’s shorts that emerged from the pool at the end of the game. All seemed happy with the game and 5 naked girls lay on their sun loungers letting the sun tan their pussies. About an hour later we played that game again but there were twice as many players and 3 balls so 3 girls at a time were getting groped while they just stood there and enjoyed it; I know that I did. All the girls were shouting at the guys to throw them the ball. During that game the rest of the girl’s bikini bottoms / thongs came off and were thrown out of the pool by the guys. Once when I dropped the ball and shouted for the guy who’d got it as it fell out of my hands to throw it back to me; and he did. I got a double dose of groping. By the time I dropped it again I was sooo close to cumming. When that game ended my pussy was so wet, and it was nothing to do with pool water. When I lay on the sun lounger with my legs open I could still feel my juices seeping out of me. One of the guys must have noticed ...