1. We hate clothes - part 02

    Date: 12/31/2016, Categories: Fiction Blowjob Exhibitionism Female exhibitionist, Male/Teen Female Written by women Young Author: vanessa.evans, Source: sexstories.com

    ... because he came and sat on the end of my sun lounger between my feet and talked to Jude and I for ages. Whenever I looked at his face it was obvious where his eyes were pointed. While I’d got that, sort of, captive audience I took the opportunity to try squeezing and relaxing my pussy muscles again and again. I wasn’t sure but I think that he’d have been able to see what I was doing but he didn’t say anything. After a while things quietened down and Jude and I decided to go to that beach that we’d found. We wanted to go on our own so we told the others that we were just going down to the local beach. Some of the other girls there couldn’t believe that we weren’t going up to put some clothes on first and they went to the fence near the road and watched our little bare butt walking down the street. We found the beach again quite easily. There weren’t as many people there and fortunately, there were no gays having sex in the sand dunes. We were so relaxed as we walked along the beach. After walking the full length of the beach and back we spread our towels and sunbathed for a while. Then we went for a swim in the sea; such a lovely feeling. After more sunbathing we got a little bored and decided to walk along the coastal path some more. It wasn’t long before we came to a little village with a few old people walking around. Some of them stared at us for a short while but no one said anything – not that Jude or I would have understood their Spanish. At the other side of the ...
    ... village we found a road that looked like it went back to where our hotel was. We wondered if it was a long way and were surprised when we only walked a couple of hundred yards before we saw our hotel. It looked like we’d already walked round 2 sides of a triangle. As we approached the outskirts of the resort we wondered if anyone would be upset by the sight of the 2 naked 14 year old girls but we needn’t have worried. We did have a nervous moment when a woman who spoke English asked us if we were all right. We thanked her and continued walking. When we got back to the hotel we didn’t even get a second glance from the receptionist as we walked in and over to the lifts; but we did from some new arrivals. One older couple looked a little surprise or shocked but a group of 4 young men stared at us with big grins on their faces. One if then said that he was going to enjoy his stay there. We went out to the swimming pool to see who was there but none of the crowd was there so we went up to our room and sat out on the balcony. We got a bit of a surprise when a different couple came out onto their balcony next door (not Max and Noah’s side). They were another young couple but the girl was a lot more friendly and obviously didn’t mind her boyfriend looking at 2 naked 14 year old girls; in fact she went back into their room and came out a couple of minutes later as naked as Jude and I. We talked for ages. The poor bloke (Dan) must have been feeling rotten having 3 naked girls round him and ...