1. A Position Available by loyalsock

    Date: 9/29/2015, Categories: Fetish, Mature Author: loyalsock

    ... the head of his pecker slipped into Joanne Ford's mouth, "we certainly wouldn't want to do that, ohhhhhh myyyyyy!!!" "Follow me, Mike," Joanne said while showing him out the door, "it's time to meet the boss, do you think you're ready!?!" "As ready as I'll ever be," he replied while stepping into the elevator for the ride to the penthouse, "do you think that she'll like me, I mean she could have any man she wanted, and I'm just a twenty two year old k** so to speak!?!" "Let me give you one hint," Joanne offered as the elevator rocketed towards the sixty first floor, "she'll push you to see how much you'll take, and if you let her walk all over you she'll end up despising you as weak and worthless, so while I don't recommend acting like a jerk or anything, don't take any of her guff either!!!" Mike was just about to thank her for the advice when the car suddenly slowed to a halt and the door slid silently open exposing the two of them to vast expanse that was Ellie Parkman's apartment!!! At that moment Mike felt like staying in the elevator car and hitting the lobby button, but before he could flee, a strong feminine voice from the other side of the room called out, "Joanne, Mr. Dancer, won't you please come in and join me for drink!!!" "I must be out of my mind," Mike whispered hoarsely to Joanne Ford, "let's get out of here!!!" "It's to late for that, buster," she said while taking him firmly by the arm and leading across the marble floor to where Eleanor Parkman was seated ...
    ... next to a huge window offering a spectacular view of Chicago's skyline!!! "It's nice to meet you, Mr. Dancer," Eleanor Parkman said while extending her hand in a firm handshake, "Joanne has told me so much about you!!!" "Uh thank you very much, Mz. Parkman, I've heard a lot about you too, but then who hasn't!!!" It was then for the first time that Mike heard Ellie Parkman's infectous laugh that seemed to indicate that she didn't take herself all that seriously, and just as he had sensed she replied with a twinkle in her eye, "All of it good I hope, right Joanne!!!" "You've gotta watch it with her, Mike," Joanne replied, "she's pretty tricky, so now if you two will excuse me, I've got a lot of work to, have fun!!!" Both Mike and Eleanor Parkman watched as Joanne disappeared into the elevator for her ride down to the twentieth floor, before Ellie Parkman asked, "Did Joanne give you a run down on your duties, Mr. Dancer!?!" "She gave me a quick outline," Mike replied quickly, "but could I please make a suggestion!?!" "Certainly," she replied soflty, "please go ahead!!!" "Please call me Mike," he replied, "I really feel uncomfortable having you call me Mr. Dancer!!!" "Fair enough, Mike," she replied quickly, "and while we're alone, or in my apartment you may call me Ellie, is that good with you!?!" "Just fine," he said, "so it's Mike and Ellie, then!!!" For the first time since he had met her, Mike noticed that even though Ellie Parkman was probably about fifty, she was truely a ...