1. A Position Available by loyalsock

    Date: 9/29/2015, Categories: Fetish, Mature Author: loyalsock

    "A very intersting resume', Mr. Dancer, "very interesting indeed, but I'm afraid that the job you're applying for has very specific requirements, and unforturnately there's nothing here that will tell me if you're qualified for this position!!!" "Exactly what is the position I'm applying for," Mike Dancer asked the personel director, "the add was little bit murky as far as the job description went!?!" "And with good reason," Joanne Ford replied quickly, "the job in question is of an extremely personal nature, and requires the utmost of discretion by whom ever finally fills is, do I make myself clear!?!" "Uh, not really," Mike replied, "I'm not usually so slow on the uptake, but I'm afraid that you'll have to be a little more specific!!!" "Agreed," Joanne replied softly, "from what I've seen so far you are more than qualified for the job, you're young and athletic, a good student, bright, and from what I can tell a good conversationalist, but unfortunately, there is one more physical requirement that must be measured up to and if you don't pass muster there, the interview ends right here!!! Mike looked quizzically across the desk at Joanne Ford, and replied in exasperation, "well I guess then that we're done then, because I haven't a clue what you're talking about," while standing up to get ready to leave!!! "Please, sit down for just another minute," Joanne asked in a hushed tone, "have you ever heard Eleanor Parkman, our president and CEO!?!" "Who hasn't," Mike replied while ...
    ... retaking his chair, "she's one the the ten richest women in the country, powerful beautiful, and from what I've heard, pretty hard to work for!!!" "To a tee, Mr. Dancer," Joanne quickly replied, "but you left out one important detail!!!" "And what's that," Mike asked!?! "The fact that she's single and never been married," Joanne "Ford replied, "that is the missing detail!!!" "Okay," Mike replied, "I'll bite, why is it so important that she's never been married!?!" "Because of her heavy work load," Joanne explained, "Mz. Parkman never has had the time nor inclination to get married or involved personally with a man because she feels that having a relationship would take away from her work, and since failure is an anathema to her, she would never try anything that was sure to not to work out!!!" Mike sat there listening intently to what Joanne Ford was saying as she continued on, "Now Eleanor Parkman is a normal woman with normal physical needs, but since she has no time for a regular relationship, she found that for her, the best way to handle the situation is by hiring a young man such as yourself to be her companion!!!" Mike sat there dumbly not able to even speak he was so stunned at what Joanne Ford had just told him, but finally he was able to stammer, "Y-you mean she'll pay me to sl**p with her, and that's it!?!" "Oh, no, not at all," the personel director replied quickly, "of course you will be having sex together, but also dining, traveling, and after she gets to know ...