1. Measuring Up: Fourth And Final Part

    Date: 9/27/2015, Categories: Love Stories, Author: Alexandra_A, Source: LushStories

    ... parts. I grated words between gritted teeth. 'I'm going to cum, dammit. I can't stop, can't help it... Fuck! Sorry, baby...' 'Fire away, Sally. I'm cumming too...' Spastic spasms forced me further down onto him. I cried out all the usual deity-related expletives, plus several I spontaneously invented myself. Organs were compressed and compromised then shrugged their metaphorical shoulders and simply stepped aside to accommodate this seemingly endless, implacable, mythological beast. * A just-fucked whore burst into the waiting area while still buttoning up her nurse outfit. The row of three seated young men were probably treated to flashes of one, if not both, of her stiff crimson nipples. They exchanged incredulous looks. The plate glass behind them reflected an array of irrefutably salacious features: flushed cheeks; disheveled hair; smeared make-up; and the widest post-coital grin. Ripped stockings added immeasurable spice. Undoubtedly, she was a girl who had just suffered a serious seeing-to. And they surely didn't need to see her to know what had just taken place: unless the examination room's sound-proofing ...
    ... was better than Abbey Road's, everyone within a hundred yard radius must have known. She strode on and tossed her clipboard onto the glass-topped desk. 'I quit. I can't do this anymore.' Pam and Geoff stared aghast. A voice from behind me whispered. 'There's cum running down her fucking leg!' I turned to the waiting three. 'Do you think I didn't know that? Do you think I wouldn't know that?' The middle one flushed. 'Sorry, I was talking to...' Geoff interrupted. 'You can't, Sal! What about...?' He gesticulated towards the three young men. 'We'll never manage without you!' Meanwhile, a frantic Pam was fingering through my sticky paperwork. 'Two hands, a mouth, and then some? What sort of measurement is that?' I sniffed. 'An accurate measurement. A perfectly fucking accurate measurement.' The door behind me clicked open. Rather sheepishly, Jake appeared. But for the obscene bulge that even now threatened to burst his button flies, he looked exactly as he had when Pam had first shown him in. Gorgeous. Ignoring the awe-struck, wide-eyed faces of everyone present, he reached out, gently took my hand and led me away. ***** 