1. Measuring Up: Fourth And Final Part

    Date: 9/27/2015, Categories: Love Stories, Author: Alexandra_A, Source: LushStories

    ... Geoff piped up. 'And I hope it's warmer in there than in here. You'll be poking their eyes out.' He was right. My nipples were chafing. Pam thumped him again. 'You shouldn't be looking, mister!' He rubbed his arm. 'They're nothing compared to yours, love. No contest.' He looked at me, winced and quickly added, 'No offence, Sal, but, well, yer know...' I could do nothing other than agree. 'Yes, I know.' * 'Through here, please. Nurse? This is Jake.' Pam turned back to the young man and spoke without a hint of humour. 'I'll leave you in Sally's capable hands.' The door clicked closed. 'It's you.' He was right. It was. And it was him, my first interviewee. His hair was slightly longer, slightly more fucked up, though his stubble was, to a hair, exactly as it was that first day on the Tube. Same leather jacket. Same faded black jeans. I smiled and, though my heart was pounding and my head was spinning, managed to speak calmly and evenly. 'If you could undress, please, then slip on the robe. I'll be outside. Call when you're ready.' 'Everything?' 'Sorry?' 'Everything off? Socks, pants, the lot?' 'Yes, please.' I remembered my training. 'Oh, are you comfortable with that?' 'I am if you are.' My smile was supposed to be reassuring, though it was probably somewhere on the malevolent spectrum. 'Oh, yes. Certainly. Very comfortable. Call when you're ready. Okay?' He shrugged. 'Yeah.' I closed the door behind me and leaned against it. Despite everything I had been through in the ...
    ... last few weeks, I wasn't sure I could do this. Pam mouthed. 'Cor, he's fit!' Geoff playfully punched her arm then gave me the thumbs up. All too soon, the dreaded word squeezed through the gaps around the door. 'Ready!' The muffled voice was boyish and I almost ran away and hid, imagining he would soon be seeking me. With neither a sound nor a gesture to my grinning colleagues, I turned the handle and stepped inside. My attempts to set him at ease were unnecessary and almost certainly of more benefit to myself. 'Are you warm enough?' 'Yeah.' 'Good. We tried to make it cozy in here!' He glanced around. 'Yeah. Cozy.' 'Would you take a seat, please.' With the white towelling robe tied about his waist and flapping about his knees, he installed himself in the executive leather chair, looking instantly very much at home. He rocked in it, spun a three-sixty and grinned. 'Nice.' 'I have a couple of questions before we start. Okay?' 'Yeah, fire away.' 'Oh, before we do, there's a box of tissues on the side table and a bin just down by your feet. Okay?' Yeah, cool.' I stepped to his side, pointed pencil towards paper then nervously swapped hands and began. 'Right. Okay. Could you tell me when... you last had sex?' His answer was immediate. 'Two weeks ago. Girl I met in the pub. She was very...' While ticking the relevant box, I cut his anecdote dead. 'Okay.' That was the fourth in as many sentences; I promised myself I would not say okay again. 'And when did you last masturbate?' 'This ...