One Thousand Apologies - Part 2
Date: 12/3/2016,
True Story
Consensual Sex
First Time
Teen Male/Teen Female
Author: Joe Long
... the events of the day. He was right, she had given me all the signs even if I was too dense to pick up on them. I had to believe him – we went through thirteen years of school together and he had never told me that about any other girl before! Now there was this one girl, who was in 10th grade two years earlier when I was a senior. My dad, who was friends with her dad, told me about how she had this big crush on me and that I should ask her out. Problem number one – no car; and problem number two – I really didn’t think she was all that attractive. It had felt so good to touch Hannah, and she had been so casual about it – grabbing her hand, wrapping my arms around her – and again my mind’s eye pictured me attacking her naked body as I started stroking my penis more forcefully. My climax wasn’t long in coming, and basking in the afterglow I decided I had to do something about defining this relationship. I was tired of not knowing, tired of being afraid to act. I had to find out for myself if there was something real there, I didn’t give a shit if she was my cousin. ========================================================================= However, as she was in fact my cousin, I couldn’t just call up and ask her out. Things had to be on the down-low, especially from our parents. For the time being the best cover was to hang out with all three of my cousins when I wanted to be with Hannah. So I called over the very next day “Hi Aunt Tess, can I speak to Dave?” after which I ...
... heard her call out his name. A minute later Dave picked up the phone. “Hey Joe, what’s up?” “How would yunz guys like to go to the mall this afternoon? Maybe we can catch a movie.” “Just me or the girls too?” “All a’yunz!” “You making me hang out with my sisters?” “Yes indeed. Hannah’s cool, I’d like her to come. Donna too, I’ll pay.” “Fine, when you comin’? “Be there in about an hour.” When we got there, Dave and Donna wanted to see The Amityville Horror but Hannah was afraid it would give her nightmares, and was holding out for More American Graffiti . She really didn’t want see a ghost sucking someone into a TV, and since the whole point of me asking all of them out was to spend time with Hannah, I told them “You guys go see the ghosts, I’ll go watch American Graffiti with Hannah.” That actually worked out kind of perfect. I handed Dave ten bucks and put my hand on Hannah’s shoulder as we turned the other way towards our movie. I remembered the original as being very funny, but the sequel opened with combat scenes in Vietnam. It was confusing at first, as we tried to figure out that it told four separate stories, at four different times, of characters from the original, and for the rest of the movie cut back and forth between them. So I was sitting there thinking “What the hell am I watching?” I always liked looking at Cindy Williams. For me, seeing her with Ron Howard, and set in the early 60’s, had made the first movie seem more like a continuation of Happy Days . At the ...