One Thousand Apologies - Part 2
Date: 12/3/2016,
True Story
Consensual Sex
First Time
Teen Male/Teen Female
Author: Joe Long
... sure. She frowned and look down at the table. “Even with the carpet on the floor, it was still pretty hard. I ended up sleeping flat on my back, but I prefer on my side. I wasn’t thrilled with the ideas of sleeping on the floor, but I didn’t want you to get in trouble with your parents either.” My fear subsided, but I still had issues to patch up. “I’m so sorry, I was a total jag off yesterday!” “A what?” I forgot, she hadn’t grown up in P.A. and I guess was just a little unfamiliar with our language. “Jag off…uh, a dick – oh, I’m sorry! – um, a jerk! “ That got a laugh out of her, “Yeah, that’s about right.” I was guilty and embarrased, and could feel myself blushing. It was a moment where I needed to step up. “About that - you can have my bed tonight, I will sleep on the couch for as long as you are here.” Hannah smiled as her eyes widened. “Are you sure?” I insisted, “Totally. You’re our guest, you should be comfortable.” I handed her the plate of eggs then sat across from her with my own glass of O.J. As she shoveled eggs into her mouth, she stopped and asked, “Aren’t you going to have any?” I pointed to the sink and said, “I already ate before I went out – see those dishes that need washed?” “I can do those for you.” “No, my mess, I’ll do it.” She went on to tell me about how she was excited but also a little nervous to be starting school in three weeks, being brand new to the area and so far only having met a few kids in her neighborhood. I said “if you’re anywhere ...
... near as friendly with the kids in your class as you are with me, you should have no problems at all!” As she finished, I stood and reached to gather her items, but she stopped me and said, “Really, I can help.” I nodded and replied, “OK, as you wish” then headed over to the sink. I rinsed out the dish rag gave each dish a soapy wipe then rinse as she handed them to me. “You know - thanks. I’m really glad you’re not mad about last night.” “Don’t worry, I’m over it. “ Suddenly she smiled and looked up at me. “Hey - since I’m here with you guys, can I go to your game tonight?” I wouldn’t be turning down opportunities to hang out. “Yeah sure, I can take you. You know I’m pitching tonight?” “Wow, that’s cool, are you any good?” Pointing at my own chest, I replied sarcastically, “of course – I’m the greatest – my manager just doesn’t know it yet!” She laughed and I continued, more seriously, “but really, this is only my fourth start of the year. We’ve clinched the playoffs and this is a chance to get me some work to keep me fresh.” I heard mom’s footsteps descending the steps and a moment later she popped into the kitchen. “My, aren’t you two the early birds?” (Dad taught school and mom worked from home, so during the summer no one was up very early, especially not me.) “Hey mom. I was telling Hannah she could sleep in my bed from now on, I’ll take the couch.” She nodded to me and replied, “maybe a day late, but a good decision – and if this young lady will be using your room you ...