Freddy in the Bathroom: Virginity Rubbed Away
Date: 12/2/2016,
True Story
First Time
Teen Male/Teen Female
Written by women
Author: slick_chick
... him. But I was extremely upset--I felt very guilty and ashamed--about the fact that I had thoroughly enjoyed the sex itself (especially the "getting my pussy finger-fucked" part). I knew that I had acted like a little whore. And that was a lot to handle for an 18-year-old girl. As I was lying in my bed and crying my heart out, I was also very worried that Freddy might try to have sex with me again. After all, he lived in the little guest house, right behind my house. And I realized that if he tried to have sex with me again, I knew that I would definitely cooperate with him, just like I had done that very first time. In fact, looking back on everything, I now realize that, deep down inside, I was actually wanting Freddy to come back and have sex with me again. You could say that I had taken a bite of the "forbidden fruit," which in this case was Freddy's awesome-feeling penis being up inside of my vagina, and there was no turning back now. I would never again be the innocent young girl that I had been before Freddy "took me" and "had his way with me" in the bathroom that Sunday afternoon. Freddy never did come back for seconds though, despite the fact that he was around me on daily basis for several months after our sexual encounter took place. Naturally, I tried my best to avoid him as much as possible. And as you can imagine, I felt very relieved when Freddy and his mother finally moved out into their own apartment. But the fact that Freddy never did come back for ...
... seconds didn't stop him from playing an integral part in my sexual fantasies--and in my life--for many years to come. And, just in case you were wondering, it wasn't until after I had finished crying on my bed that Sunday afternoon that I finally took off my wet, gooey panties, rinsed them out under the bathroom faucet, and threw them into the laundry hamper. Then I jumped into the shower to quickly wash off my equally-wet and gooey pussy, before I dried myself off and got dressed again. Of course, I was totally unaware of the fact that there were still millions and millions of Freddy's sperm cells actively "swimming around" inside my vagina, trying their best to work their way up through my uterus, and into my fallopian tubes. I went to bed that night, intending to get some much-needed sleep, after such a stressful-but-exciting afternoon. But that didn't happen. Instead, I kept on waking up over and over again to masturbate throughout the entire night, and well into the morning hours. My sperm-coated vagina felt very strange to me, and yet it also felt wonderful at the same time. And God, I had never felt so horny in my entire life! After that first "mega-masturbation night," I played with myself at least once or twice every night for a good week or so. I just couldn't help myself. I would wake up with my hand in my crotch, already diddling away on auto-pilot. After that fateful Sunday afternoon--and after my week-long, late night "masturbation marathon" was finally over with--I ...