1. Freddy in the Bathroom: Virginity Rubbed Away

    Date: 12/2/2016, Categories: True Story First Time Latina, Rape Teen Male/Teen Female Virginity Written by women Author: slick_chick

    ... closed the door behind him. I just stood there for quite a while, still leaning back against the wall, with my pants down and my legs still spread apart, and with my hands still holding my pussy crack wide-open. My whole body was shaky and my legs were trembling, as I was trying--but miserably failing--to make some sense out of what had just taken place. I knew that Freddy had rubbed his "thing" against mine for a while. And I knew that he had inserted the end of his firm "thing" up inside of that "big hole" at the rear of my "thing." And I knew that he had moved his "thing" back and forth, faster and faster, rubbing it against my "thing," until he finally "peed" inside of my "big hole." But what I didn't know, was why Freddy had done all that stuff to me. Looking back on everything, I'm sure that--on a deep-down, purely-instinctive level--my body sensed that Freddy had just finished mating with me, even though I didn't consciously know what "mating" was, at the time. Of course, I also didn't know if Freddy was actually "done with me" yet, or if he was just "taking a break." And to be totally honest with you, as I was standing there, leaning back against the bathroom wall, with my legs spread-apart and my pussy crack held wide-open, I closed my eyes, which is something that I naturally tend to do whenever I get really turned-on. And at this point, I was still so sexually aroused and excited that I was actually hoping that Freddy was just "taking a break" for a few minutes, ...
    ... and that he was going to be coming back into the bathroom with me, so that he could rub his "thing" against my "thing" again, and then "pee" inside of my "big hole" some more. And it was the thought of Freddy possibly "peeing" inside me some more, that kept me spread-legged and patiently waiting for him. But after waiting long enough, so that I was sure that Freddy wasn't going to be coming back for a "second go-round," I eventually managed to regain my composure enough to open up my eyes, take my hands off my pussy, and pull my pants and panties back up. (By the way, It wasn't until I finally pulled my hands away from my pussy, that I realized that the tip of my right hand index finger had been on "auto-pilot" the whole time, actively diddling away at head of my own clitoris, at the same time as I was using the rest of my fingers on both hands to hold my pussy crack wide-open.) Then I ran out of the little backyard guest house and headed straight to my bedroom. I threw myself down on my bed, and I cried for a long time. I was dazed and confused. I was also scared about the ramifications of what Freddy and I had just done together. I knew that what we had just done together was "very naughty." And I was worried that my family might find out what happened, and that I would no longer be considered a "nice girl." I just lay on my bed and cried my heart out for quite a long while. Believe it or not, I wasn't really that upset about Freddy's having threatened me into having sex with ...