1. Sebastian The Male Escort - Part 4/6

    Date: 9/24/2015, Categories: Gay Male, Author: jasonshomoerotica, Source: LushStories

    ... he got married he would be able to keep his promise to himself, which was to remain faithful to his future wife, for as far as I could see this guy was in need of anal sex as often as anyone would give it to him. I did not mind, as I enjoyed fucking butt just as much as he obviously enjoyed taking it. When we were done, he took me out to dinner and later when we got back produced a brand new looking small shoulder satchel from his wardrobe. “Here” he said, “take this - you can use it to carry your ‘things’ around with you so that you are sure that you have everything you need for your first great occasion.” So I loaded the bag up with a few packets of Fukit condoms and at Craig’s insistence, took three of his lube tubes as well. “You may as well do it properly,” he said. “Give your first client’s arsehole a really good pre-fuck lube so that he realises that you are a true pro.” The thing that continued to amaze me about New York, was the way everyone whom I had met had talked quite openly about gay sex in the most direct of language. There was no circumlocutive phraseology used at all: it was all direct and to the point and usually in the simplest of Anglo-Saxon English; you know, those words which the Oxford Dictionary posts as ‘words no longer in polite use’. Well, proscribed form polite conversation they may well be, but believe me, they are alive an well and in daily use! Chapter 15 At work the next morning, I was feeling very nervous. I was going to go off later to ...
    ... fuck a rich guy as a paying client, something I had never done before, but then I thought, what the hell, Adam is just a guy wanting a fuck and I have done it quite a few times in the last few days: his hole is no different to Craig’s, so what is there to be worried about? But, as you might imagine I was somewhat apprehensive as the fatal hour approached and I had to confront Adam and perform. The doorman at his building gave me a knowing look as he ushered me into the elevator and as I entered Adam’s office tried to get a grip on myself and put on a confident face, which frankly, belied the way my stomach felt – it was all collywobbles. Adam greeted me like a long lost buddy, closed and locked the door behind us as asked me how I was. “Great,” I said, “and ready to go when you are.” Was this the right way to begin? I really had no idea, but it seemed to go over OK. “Well,” said Adam, “why don’t you make yourself more comfortable and let me take a look at you while I prepare myself for action, for after all that is why I have got you here.” By ‘making myself more comfortable’ he clearly meant me to get stripped and within seconds were both standing face to face, stark naked, looking each other over. I have to say, Adam had a great body and a very nice neatly cut cock himself, which was already starting to rise at the sight of me. I was surprised to see that he was wearing a gold bar through his shaft, just below the knob of his cock. I forget the exact name for this type of ...