1. Sebastian The Male Escort - Part 4/6

    Date: 9/24/2015, Categories: Gay Male, Author: jasonshomoerotica, Source: LushStories

    ... looking at you, I am sure that you know what I want and frankly, Mike, whom I know very well, told me that you are a hot number. So, I would like to know what your terms are, as this is to be a business relationship. Look, I am a happily married man with two children and a wife whom I adore and with whom I have regular sex, but I really do need to have some anal simulation from time to time, say once a week, which my wife clearly cannot give me: hence this conversation. Now, could that sort of thing interest you? Would you be willing to service me? We don’t know one another at all, but just looking at you in the bar and here in front of me now, you make my cock start twitching, so how about it, are you interested and if so what are your terms?” As ever, utterly direct and no beating about the bush: this guy wanted me to fuck his butt and was asking me to name my price. I had no idea how much I could ask him for my services, but Adam did not know that he was to be my first paying client and I saw no reason to tell him. Craig had told me that guys he knew shelled out 300-400 dollars per shot for male sex, so I told Adam that my going rate was 350 dollars a shot, for about an hour’s ‘recreational sex’ was the way I put it. He agreed to this with alacrity, which led me to believe that I was well within the ‘norms’ for the service I would be rendering. So we agreed that I would come around to his office at three o’clock next day, once I was off duty and I would service him. And ...
    ... that is how it all began. It was easier, in the event, than that apocryphal act of falling off a log and I had Craig and Craig alone to thank for giving me the idea. On my way back to Craig’s place, I stopped off at a small print shop and ordered a hundred name cards. I made them very simple. They said: ‘Sebastian - Male Escort’ and gave my mobile ‘phone number. I had already decided that if I was to make a business out of using my cock, the less my clients knew about me and where I lived, the better. So, I gave no address and no fixed telephone number; everything had to be arranged directly by word of mouth via my bar job with Mike or via my mobile ’phone which I had bought when I took my West Side apartment, as I had not wanted to pay the connection charges for a land line. So next day I would have a card to hand out – it looked professional, I thought. I went back to Craig’s place in a state of high euphoria. I could not wait to tell him that on my very first day at the bar, I had picked up my first paying client or better put, he had picked me up. Craig was delighted, even more so when I told him what Adam was paying me for my services. “I told you so,” he said, “once a guy sets eyes on you, if he is that way inclined, you have him hooked! You are just magnetic as I have told you. Come on let’s celebrate.” Well, you can guess what Craig’s idea of celebrating involved. You’ve got it – he wanted my cock up his arse and a real good hard fuck. I started then to wonder if when ...