1. murga bn jao

    Date: 10/29/2016, Categories: True Story Asian, BDSM Exhibitionism Female / Girl, Female exhibitionist, Humiliation Male / Female Teens, Author: murgalover734

    ... because the way she was holding her ears. she was brought to our corner and then was being stripped. 'please dont take my clothes off, i do not wear underwear.' amisha said. 'what, tell the truth.' ' i am" 'then lets check.' one girl pulled her pants and checked her butt. "bare ass, no underwear." "what do we do now,we are not supposed to strip them completely.' "lets borrow one from another fresher.' they both went and took one of the freshers(who had given good intro) with them to a bathroom. then they called amisha in. then amisha came out wearing the underwear only, the other fresher followed looking a little disturbed with no undies, to push her breasts up and pack her ass the undies were very tight for amisha, her butt looked jammed in..just as amisha had told us, the ragging didnt end the first day. it continued for a long time. i am in my second month in college and have experienced the worst moments of my life. right now i am in a seniors room, made murga, stark naked. the college ragging was nothing compared to the ragging done in hostel. every night we are called to the rooms of the seniors to be ragged. nudity is a commonplace. they make all the freshers kiss and caress each other. its gross. the girls who disobey are spanked on their barebottoms. i also got spanking once, i never dare disobey again. they love making us murga. then they hit us on our bottoms with a stick or belt, sometimes with hands, when we lower our buttocks. it has become unbearable now. 2 ...
    ... months straight ragging. ragging in college has stopped, but not in hostel. on saturdays they rag us all night, because sunday the college is off. 'get up.' we all get up. they have called 5 of us in the room. tanushree included. all 5 standing completely naked. there are about ten seniors in the room. 'its the rapid fire around.' oh no. the rapid fire round is when they slap us on the cheeks as fast they could. 2 seniors get one fresher. each have one cheek. first one slaps then almost instantly the other one slaps. then the first one again. it goes for about half an hour. we get fingers printed on ourcheeks. six months have passed and now finally ragging has stopped. one of the seniors have been expelled, not for ragging but for misbehaving with a teacher. all the seniors are now scared, so ragging has now stopped in the hostel. but six months later i will take revenge, with compound interest from my juniors. six months later....... the juniors are in the orientation room, being fed with college rules and regulations. my vacation has really started now, i just cant wait to start ragging. i will make them murga, uthak baithak, twist their ears off, spank them with belts, sticks, birches and hand. and yes denude them. the juniors start coming out. my gang, consisting of me, tanushree, amisha, sonia, and kajal went for the kill. there was a group of three friends coming out, we caught them and took to the canteen. we wanted to have a little ragging here before the ragging ...