murga bn jao
Date: 10/29/2016,
True Story
Female / Girl,
Female exhibitionist,
Male / Female Teens,
Author: murgalover734
... another sound of spank, another intro. another spank, this time i hear right beside me, it might be tanushree, when intro starts, it is tanushree. so this means they are randomly choosing anyone. my time could come anytime. tanushree's intro finishes and the seniors dont like it also and they take her. another spank and its not me yet. just before the spank my buttocks clenches in anticipation. the sounds are loud, so i think they are not spanking with their hands, but with something else. another spank. another intro. about fifty freshers are done by now and many couldnt give a good intro. i think 1 hour has passed since standing like this. until then i have made up a good intro. since my intro is a complete lie, i have to be very straight, precise and conclude as fast as i could. i can be stuck on the questions they are asking. since i dont know anything about indian schooling or life, i will have to say yes to many of their questions. spankings continue, and about 50 more, finally my buttocks got what it was anticipating. a loud swat, i was a leather belt, and damn, it hurt. i could finally remove my hands from my face and turn around. what i see is hell. the girls who hadnt given good intros, were in their underwears alone, in a corner holding their hands up. the girls who had given good ones were kneeling down, holding their ears, with clothes on. so anyways, punishment was a must, a good intro only keep my clothes on. i was led to the stage. all the seniors were looking ...
... at me. so were now the freshers who were punished. this made about 250 people looking at me and i am on stage to give intro. but i think i can pull this off, i dont have a stage fright or anything. but one senior who led me on stage whispers in my ear,' you have to give intro in murga position.' it was like the ground slipped below my feet. so this is why all the girls voices sounded so weird. they were giving intro in murga pose. we were supposed to give our intro, on stage in murga pose, full of confidence. there is no use arguing, i assume the position. i bring my buttocks down, so that my head is up to face the audience. a girl holds the mic for me. " i am ankita chopra, i am from kochi, i like sports and stuff.' thats all i manage to say with humiliation killing me. 'thats it, thats the best you got, bitch.' a senior from the audience says. they sense my embarrassment, so try to play along. ' share your first sexual experience.' " i am a virgin.' i lie. "you dont look like a virgin, tell us or we will strip you completely." 'i am 18, i swear i didnt have any sex.' "take this mother fucker away.' i get up, 2 girls hold one ear each of mine and start taking me to the nudies corner. this was the mother of all humiliation. being dragged by one ear was enough, now both ears. one pulls my pants down, the other takes of my t-shirt. i stand in my undies, and then raise my arms as instructed. meanwhile another intro had started. it was amisha. they didnt like her intro also just ...