1. Runaround Sue

    Date: 10/27/2016, Categories: True Story Cuckold, Teen Voyeurism Author: willingwimp

    ... own wall. I watched as Ellen and Sue and the two football players drank and fooled around. It was especially erotic seeing how dressed up and adult looking the girls were with their hair up fancy, and their pretty, but sexy gowns. Both went for the strapless look with some sort of push-up bra that practically thrust their pert breasts into the faces of anyone in the vicinity. I watched wide-eyed, as the two couples progressed from horseplay to necking to fumblings with clothing to out-and-out fucking. It was like watching a strip tease. So many layers of clothing and underclothing that Sue's date had to navigate, including garter belt and stockings. After they lost their virginity, late-night rec room escapades became more common, and I always had the job of lookout in case the parents woke up. "Lookout" -- what a perfect word for me, the young voyeur. I had found my calling. All good things come to an end, though for me it was just a beginning. During Sue's senior year in high school--my junior year--I found her crying one day. I went to comfort her, and discovered that she was pregnant. Abortion was not an option that we were even aware of in those days and in that place, nor an option that we had even considered. The options for girls in that time and place wre marriage or putting the baby up for adoption. Sue didn't even know who the father was and had no interest in marrying any of the boys she had been with anyway. Seeing how miserable she was, and falling even more ...
    ... deeply in love with her, I asked Sue to marry me. At first she looked stunned and uncomprehending. I told her that I loved her and would do anything for her. She told me that she didn't love me "in that way." But I said that was OK, that I had enough love for both of us, that I would take care of her and the baby. To make a long story short, we got married, against our parents wishes—my 18-year-old pregnant wife and me, her inexperienced, virgin husband. The first few years were rough, but I was true to my word, and devoted to both Sue and our baby girl, Ellen. Sue became a waitress, but had trouble holding a job. I started out just taking care of Ellen, but, one thing led to another, and I became a licensed day-care provider taking care of a bunch of babies and toddlers, and found that I really enjoyed it and did a good job at it--although in those days it was almost unheard of that a man would be a day-care provider. But people knew and trusted me, and it worked out well. Conventional waitressing was not Sue's thing, and she became a cocktail waitress, where she started making good money from tips. She would work late into the night, early morning, and sleep until noon or later, whereas I would go to bed early and be up very early for the parents to drop off their children. We hardly saw each other, except during the quiet late afternoon after the parents had picked up their kids and just before Sue was heading off to work. At those times, I loved watching her get dressed for ...