1. Runaround Sue

    Date: 10/27/2016, Categories: True Story Cuckold, Teen Voyeurism Author: willingwimp

    Runaround Sue I was not only the youngest of five children, but my four older siblings were all girls. I had many of the advantages of being the youngest--my sisters treated me like a pet; I was smothered with mothers. I also had many of the disadvantages. Like many of the youngest, I had more than my share of hand-me-down clothes. With all older sisters, my clothes were often effeminate. If I wanted blue jeans, I had to endure girlie stitching and cuts, or shirts that buttoned on the wrong side. At times it felt like I had five older sisters. The sister closest in age, just a year older, Ellen, had a best friend, Sue, who virtually lived at our house. Sue's family was what is called "dysfunctional" -- divorced parents, a stepfather with whom she had a difficult and complicated relationship, a distant and alcoholic mother. For my parents, one more kid in the house was hardly noticed. My three older sisters were all well-behaved. Based on their experience with the first three, my parents trusted their kids, and tended to be permissive because the kids had never given them cause not to be. But sister number four, Ellen, was the wild one, and she and Sue were another story entirely. Whereas the three older sisters were all good students, and acted responsibly, Ellen and Sue were "boy crazy," and were constantly getting into trouble. They were both exceptionally pretty girls, and they loved to push the limits, wearing make-up long before most girls their age did, bleaching ...
    ... their hair blonde, dating older boys, coming home late. They wore the shortest miniskirts and during the hot pants fad wore skimpy skin tight little short shorts that failed to cover the bottom third of their bottoms. Both were sent home from school on more than one occasion to put on more modest clothing. Boys were constantly swarming around them. They were also a lot of fun, and everyone, my parents included, tended to laugh off their transgressions. I had a special relationship with Sue from childhood. She was sort of like another older sister, but we both knew she wasn't a real sister, and she flirted with me constantly. Sue came with us on family vacations. I got to see her in bikini bathing suits, in various stages of undress, and the object of her constant sexual teasing. Sue enjoyed knowing that I was in awe of her. She immediately recognized her power over me, and loved to exercise it. She never ever went and got something for herself if I was near. She would ask me to get her a pencil, a soda, change the channel (this was before remote control televisions), etc., and I would happily hop at her beck and call. She also quickly discovered and encouraged my voyeuristic tendencies. She noticed me watching her constantly, and often she facilitated my hungry appetite to see her. She frequently slept at our house, and would walk around the house--like my sisters--in her nightgown. She often wore a thin, shortie, translucent one, and I loved watching her breasts through the ...