1. Dragons Of Arma

    Date: 10/26/2016, Categories: Science-Fiction, Discipline, Humiliation Male/Female Non-Erotic, Author: Fatesknight

    ... too far I don’t want them looking at me thinking I am going around starting fights.” I stand fully letting my presence and power flow back to their natural levels. I watch as everyone in the area starts to shake some of the weaker ones dropping to their knees. Those already looking at me look on in fear. Stepping up to the leader and look down as I smell a foul odor noticing that he has pissed his pants. I let out a deep rumbling growl and watch as he turns tail and runs followed quickly by the other four. I withdraw my presence and power returning them to the lower level class and ranks they were at. I nod to the girl before me and turn and walk by their stand the other girls following my approach with their eyes. I point to a hot dog and one of the girls moves quickly and hands it to me. I smile at her and hand her a 20 note knowing that it is nowhere near that much in price. I grin but lose it as I feel the eyes again. Looking over my shoulder, I see her standing there silver hair blowing softly in the breeze. I raise my hand in a hotdog salute before using a finger to point over to the Gothic looking girl on the ground still. Then quickly disappear into the crowd. Chapter 2 Looking at my wrist I see that it is almost time for the orientation assembly. Moving quickly through the crowd I make good time and walk into the building. I notice there is a display with the map of the entire island that Xaos Reign is on. I tap my Percom to the map and study it waiting for the ...
    ... download to transfer. The map shows the 7 rings of the island. The inner most one being the university itself it is commonly referred to as Sigma ring. The next ring is Alpha ring which houses and is the grounds for the top three Clans, it also houses the top 3 three fraternities and sororities, which means that the elite of the elite are in Alpha ring. The second ring is Beta ring and houses the seven other clans that ranked in the top ten with the same going for the frats and sororities. The next four rings which are named in order: Delta, Eta, Phi, and Zeta; house the rest of the clans with frequent battles over territory and rankings. The last ring is called the omega ring and is considered the new student and unattached student ring many students who stay here for longer than 2 years usually drop out of school at that time. There are exceptions to this as some very smart students who have social disorders tend to stay away from clans so find the Omega ring a perfect home. To move out of Omega ring you must form or join a clan. There are two ways as a clan to move out of Omega. First is you create a guild get successfully get it registered and fight the lowest ranking clan in zeta ring to gain their territory. Second there is a waiting list for new clans for when clans of seniors who are graduating or clans that are taken out therefore creating an open territory for a new clan to move into. Most low ranking clans try to go this route the created waiting list is very long. ...