1. Dragons Of Arma

    Date: 10/26/2016, Categories: Science-Fiction, Discipline, Humiliation Male/Female Non-Erotic, Author: Fatesknight

    ... started to become common again. Arma threw a curveball to the genetic makeup of humanity. After four generations, the changes started to affect the humans. Scientists studied the changes coming to the conclusion that the energy of Arma was causing the changes. After ten generations, humans had finally adjusted. Most humans were now born with two souls and one conscience. One soul was a human, which was the usually the dominant spirit. The second was an animal spirit. Humans soon learned to control the animal inside them. With control came the ability to use the strengths of these animals to their advantage. The melding of these two souls created an elemental link. With the stronger connections, the humans could partially or fully change their form into that of their spirit; though much larger than the original animal. This link created the term Animal Elemental Users or AE users for short. Powerful links could, for instance, create a Fire Gorilla. Which is an AE user that is able to wield fire as a weapon while taking on the form of a Gorilla. In comparison an A user would be someone who had the dominant soul of an animal but no elemental power. An A user generally took on most of the dominant animal attributes, to include physical appearance. These generally were similar to the old legends, a man that looked like an animal, had all the speed and strength of that animal. An E user would be someone who had no animal spirit but the elemental power. This means normal humans ...
    ... have no rank or class. Packs And Clans started to form. The animal soul was drawn to those more powerful. Making it more similar to the animal kingdom from ancient earth. The alphas reigned supreme. After five generations Humanity had once again adjusted to the changes. But then another discovery rocked the world, the first mythical animal AE user was found. A wind type gryphon. After that rare mythical creatures were found. 1 in every 32 was a mystical AE user, these people were referred to as MAE users. There were gryphons, hydra, basilisks, and many, many more. There was even a single Unicorn. MAE users had two elemental powers. The gryphons could master Air with Ground. A hydra could use Fire with Water. The single unicorn was found to only have one elemental power. But it was one never before heard of. The unicorn had the ability to manipulate light. The unicorn showed a strong sense of justice. And in his prime created the Arbiter Society. Many things now changed on each continent. Now there were the Arbitrators, a group of non-corruptible AE and MAE users who upheld the global and local laws. The Arbiters were able to travel anywhere they were needed. With the changes in the genetic makeup, and the new societal structure, a hierarchy arose. The structure of Arma is as follows: MAE users, AE Users, A Users, and E Users, ending with Humans. Everyone with an AE powers was placed in a ranking and class system. Class referred to their animal spirit. The rank referred to their ...