Dragons Of Arma
Date: 10/26/2016, Categories: Science-Fiction, Discipline, Humiliation Male/Female Non-Erotic, Author: Fatesknight
... bottom of the stairs I look over my shoulder and see her holding the railing as she slips slowly to the ground. I lick my lips so she can see it and then continue into the main auditorium. I cross my arms over my chest and put a stern look on my face as I walk down the aisle. Reaching the stage I jump onto it lightly. Stepping up to Ar’Isa I look deep into her eyes and smile. “Pardon me Miss Class Rep.” I say to her softly. Ar’Isa taps her Percom to mine then steps back letting me take the floor. Turning around I face the crowd. “Hello everyone, the Headmaster thought it might be a good idea for me to introduce myself. My name is Heath Dinester, I am…” I stop as my wrist vibrates. Opening up the display I see the message that has been sent to me. I close the message and continue on. “I am currently the only freshman DC member. From the message I just got I have been approved already. So that being said I will not take anything laying down. You better pray you don’t get on my bad side. You will not win and more than likely you will become acquainted with the university hospital wing. I have already broken up 3 incidents today please keep that in mind when, and I do mean when, you decide you want a piece of me. Thank you and have a nice day.” I press a couple quick buttons and tap my Percom to Ar’Isa’s. before I can walk away she quickly grabs my wrist and taps a few buttons on my Percom touching it to her. Looking her in the eyes I smile before jumping off the stage and ...
... starting the walk back to my seat in the balcony. As I pass the row, with the friends of the guy I hit, I hear a bunch of growls. Stopping I look over at the wall were the guy is still laying of the floor and yell “MEDIC!!!” I smile evilly down at them “too bad none of you could of help him.” Laughing I continue walking. I reach the stairs and see the dark hair and red eyes sitting with her sorority I nod my head and bring my arm to my chest in a small salute. I continue up the stairs as I turn the corner I see the headmaster still sitting next to my seat. I sit back down next to him. He smiles at me and says. “Throwing down the gauntlet early are we?” I smile at him and nod “If you’re going to throw me under the bus I might as well own up to it. And to answer your earlier question about my powers. I am not afraid of them but everyone else should be.” I give him a sly smile. He nods and stands “Well Mr. Dinester I must return to my duties. It was nice to sit down with you. I look forward to seeing what you’re capable of. Have a nice day.” With that he turns and walks away. He stops at the top of the stairs “Though I would offer you a small piece of warning. It seems you have caught the attention of my granddaughter and when she sets her eye on something she usually gets whatever she wants. Good Luck.” With that he walks off laughing. Turning back to the assembly I see Ar’Isa done talking and students getting up and leaving. Her eyes watching me. I stand and nod to her before ...