Dragons Of Arma
Date: 10/26/2016, Categories: Science-Fiction, Discipline, Humiliation Male/Female Non-Erotic, Author: Fatesknight
... broadcast this year at the request of the Council of Clans they think it might become a sport they everyone might enjoy. This year will be the first Global college ranking which will also be broadcast the top ten clans from each university will be eligible to participate we are also allow one wildcard clan on the recommendation of the headmaster. I will not be choosing the eleventh ranked guild unless they show they are worthy. Now that is all of my announcements. I would like to introduce you to the people I have behind me and then your class rep will talk to you for a minute and you will be released to get ready and get settled into your new housing arrangements. From inside out you have Raish Maliut, he is the head of the judges and referees. Next is Jalenin Del Marik, she is head of Housing. Lesert Herop is next in line. He is the head of the human contingent here a Xaos Reign. And the last in line is your class rep. Her name is Ar’Isa Teldona, and if any of you are wondering yes she is my grand-daughter. She is also Alpha of the clan Yggdrasil. Now last thing before I turn over the mike to your class rep. Please keep in mind the closer you are living to the university the better the restaurants and entertainment centers the only way to move up is to join or start your own clan and aim for the top. Remember no fighting on Sigma ring only the others are free-for-all. So Good Luck.” With that he steps out waving his grand-daughter to center stage. I laugh softly as she ...
... gives her grandfather a look that can kill. Stepping up the center stage she taps in a couple commands on her Percom and looks at everyone before she starts talking. I notice how musical her voice sounds. “Welcome Students. I am your class rep a few quick items before I answer any questions. Please everyone memorize your housing unit number in case anything happens to your Percom that way you can still make it back to your housing unit. Keep in mind all housing numbers are set up the same way first is your ring followed by your area number then your building number and finally your room number. For all of you unless you have join a clan, frat or sorority those numbers will start with Omega. So an example we have here.” She turns and taps on here Percom and behind her a number shows up on the screen behind her. “The example here Omega-3-2-101 so you would live in Omega ring Area 3 Building 2 Room 101. So please remember this you don’t want to walk into the wrong building and have security called when you try to enter the wrong room. Now as freshman we will be expected to provide our own contingent for the Discipline Committee. From here on if you hear someone saying the DC are on the way, they are talking about the discipline committee for those of you who can’t put 2 and 2 together.” Someone from the back yells “Well duh the answer is 3.” Without missing a beat she continues on “And that people is why we wear helmets when we play sports. Now back to the topic at hand if you want ...