1. "Cumming" home for Christmas

    Date: 10/13/2016, Categories: True Story Author: NotGoingToUseRealName

    ... younger and I might have to, otherwise you’ll disrupt the other customers”, “what other customers Sal?” I jeered back at him, he cracked me on the elbow with a hand towel before walking back into the kitchen. The rest of the meal carried on in the same fashion, we talked, laughed, reminisced and when the time to pay up swung around I had to fight her over the check but she reluctantly let me pay, we grabbed our coats and walked down the promenade, the sound of the river flowing past us and a brisk wind bracing us, I took her arm in arm and the pleasantries continued. We lived on the same street, I was 114 and she was 125 so that meant I would disembark first, she always joked about how I needed to be walked home lest I get jumped by some weirdo but now that she was a young woman the concern was the other way around so I elected to walk her home. We stopped at her porch and when I leaned to give her a kiss goodnight and was met with a finger pressed hard against my lips, my mind went into overdrive, worrying that I had mistaken the kiss back in the restaurant and it was nothing more than her way of going along with the joke, that she didn’t reciprocate my feelings. “Aww jeez Em, I’m sorry I just though-“, “Oh give over, I was just opening the door, of course I wanted to kiss you I just thought you might want to come in for some “coffee”, assuming you do?”, the way she said coffee registered in my head and I realised what she was insinuating “oh!, um yeah, definitely”, “good ...
    ... haha”. She turned her key in the door and we both practically fell through, I pulled off my coat and put in on the rack and when I turned around she had done the same and I was greeted by an image of a girl I must have never known, she was a knockout!, she always had a relatively big chest when we were younger but she must have been at least an E by now, her boobs led down to a washboard stomach which was hardly concealed by the thin material of her shirt, her hips curved outwards giving her a divine hourglass figure which culminated in a nice round ass and long legs. “See something you like cowboy?” she smirked, “couple of somethings, uhhhh”. “Well quit gawking and get over here you big idiot”. I approached tentatively but at that point I was like a ship caught in a whirlpool, I was trapped in her gravity well, beyond the point of no return. She threw her arms my head and held my head against hers and attacked my with her mouth, our tongues lashing at each other, my hands roamed up and down her body, trying to feel her tits in the position was futile she was pressed too close to me, I could feel her hard nipples poking me in the chest so instead my hands came to rest on her ass, groping and squeezing like there was no tomorrow, pulling her in close to me and it wasn’t long before I was hard, “You weren’t kidding, someone seems to be enjoying themselves”, “Well then quit gawking and get over here” I joked, recycling her line, she looked at me in disbelief as if I had tried to ...