1. "Cumming" home for Christmas

    Date: 10/13/2016, Categories: True Story Author: NotGoingToUseRealName

    ... a half hour or so”, “Tell you what, I need to grab some clothes so I can change out of this ludicrously small outfit but I’ll be around and maybe we could go for lunch or something”, “You know I think I’ll take you up on that, did you change your number?”, “Nah, still 0834402400”, “alrighty then, I will see you later my good sir”, “ok” I laughed and rolled my shoulders and like that we broke off. Fortunately there was a department store right across the road that had anything and everything a guy could want to buy last minute from a change of underwear to a bottle of cologne. At the checkout right about to leave I got a text from Emma and pulled out my phone, it was a picture of the placard above the restaurant we all used to hang out in as teenagers (you could get a regular fries and a soda for 2 dollars and they never kicked us out, hence the popularity). Grinning like a fool I walked across town to meet her and was welcomed in the door of the place by a warm rush of air, the place was almost completely deserted, but I mean in all fairness it was a pizzeria/burger joint a week before Christmas, except for one small table at the back near the kitchen, illuminated by a single candle I could see Emma, unaware of my presence looking down at her menu, she whipped out her foundation and gave her cheeks a quick once over, who was she trying to look good for. With a cough I revealed myself and walked towards the table and went to sit across from her “Where do you think you’re ...
    ... going mister”, “I was sitting down haha, why?”, “I specifically grabbed this table so we could sit where we used to, you and I were on this side, Lucas and Felicity on the other side”, “Fine haha you win” I said as I got up to take my place next to her. “I already ordered for you”, “well that’s a bit cocky don’t you think”, “oh please Jay, unless you’ve completely changed I know you still like the bacon cheeseburger, no pickle or mayo with plenty of tomato sauce”. “Very impressive Em, but I’ll only eat that if you get the Bolognese Calzone”. “As a matter of fact that is what I ordered, nicely done”. ”Hey do you remember that time we came in here when we were kids”, “Of course we were here like every day you dope”, “No as in that day” that was when it clicked in my mind that when we were like 17 I had asked her out, not as friends but for like a proper date, reading my mind she said “you totally forgot didn’t you, now who’s the dope”, knowing that she had me I replied “yeah yeah, jog my memory, how did that date end?”, her lips curled into a smile and she leaned over and planted a kiss on mine, time slowed to a standstill and any nervous tension was washed away in a surge of memories flooding back, her embrace, the feeling of her lips pressed against mine, and just like that it was broken up by a 65 year old Italian-American man waving his hand in front of our faces, “Here you go, if you want to put something else in your mouths, I never had to kick you kids out when you were ...