1. Beginnings: Chapter 2 - Formalities

    Date: 9/21/2015, Categories: Lesbian Author: claire2013, Source: LushStories

    ... generously broad, mahogany, leather-topped desk a few feet away. “I intend on keeping you very busy today, Lucy.” “I don’t mind that at all,” I replied, feeling an intense need to say the right thing although knowing that I had no idea what, exactly, the ‘right thing’ was where Veronica was concerned. I knew that impressing Veronica was probably going to be impossible, but I had no wish to add to this by causing any offence. I had no real ideal of the protocol and at least wanted to ensure I didn’t upset her unnecessarily, “By the way, may I just ask how I should address you?” Veronica offered me a sober, serious look. “For the time being, Lucy, at all times you are going to call me Miss Hamilton. Is that understood?” “Yes,” I replied. Veronica looked at me intently. It was a look that conveyed clearly that she expected me to say something more. I felt confused. “I don’t like repeating myself, Lucy, but bearing in mind that this is your first day, and in case you didn’t quite hear me the first time, I told you that at all times you are going to call me Miss Hamilton.” Inside, I suddenly felt a heavy penny drop. “I’m sorry. Yes, of course, Miss Hamilton.” Veronica’s eyes began to warm perceptibly and at that moment I felt an inexplicable, intense and comforting heat radiate through my body. Veronica was true to her word. She kept me busy all morning, although most of my tasks were relatively mundane: several trips to the local county court offices in order to file ...
    ... applications, delivering papers along the corridor to Veronica’s secretary for typing up, multiple visits to the photocopying machine, and locating a variety of legal volumes containing statutes and cases that Veronica needed consumed every moment of my time. I had to confess to feeling more than a little disappointed. I had anticipated the work of a busy, high-powered lawyer to be rather more exotic. The closest I came that morning to anything exotic was making Veronica a cup of coffee with beans that had been grown in Brazil. By the middle of the afternoon, Veronica was still busy working on her papers, as she had been all day. At around half-past three, as I was hunting along the bookshelves, trying to find another volume of statutes for her, the telephone on her desk rang. “Will you answer that for me, Lucy, and tell whoever it is that I am not to be disturbed for another hour at least.” I went over to Veronica’s desk and tentatively lifted the handset. “Hello?” I said. “Who is it please?” The female voice on the other end told me she was Helen Swan, the office administrator. She asked to speak to Veronica. “I’m sorry, Miss Swan,” I replied, “but Veronica can’t speak to you at the moment. Can you call back in perhaps an hour?” On the other end of the line I heard Helen sigh deeply before putting the receiver down. I went back to my task of finding the books that Veronica had asked for. Several minutes later, as my eyes were busily skimming the bookshelves, I heard Veronica put her ...