1. Beginnings: Chapter 2 - Formalities

    Date: 9/21/2015, Categories: Lesbian Author: claire2013, Source: LushStories

    ... number of other women. For Samantha’s part, in her own statement she categorically denied the allegations that Adam was making. At first blush there seemed to be very little evidence to support the allegations beyond what Adam was claiming; there was no statement from Emily, or for that matter from any of the other women who Adam suggested had been involved with Samantha, and there were no photographs of Samantha in flagrante . However, I noted that at the end of his statement that Adam had ominously indicated that in due course he would provide undeniable proof of his wife’s infidelity. The other thing he was claiming was a financial settlement that ran well into seven figures. I had been more than a little nervous about arriving at the office on the Monday morning, and as I passed through the reception area at a little before nine o’clock my stomach felt like rough, ravelled rope. I made my way by lift to the fifth floor, where the partners of the firm all had their own plush and spacious offices, and walked along the corridor until I eventually found a door with an impressive metallic name plate on which were impressed the words ‘Veronica Hamilton, Senior Partner’. I curled my fingers into my slightly clammy palm and, with more than a touch of trepidation, knocked on the door. After a few moments of silence I heard Veronica’s voice from within, bidding me to come in. As I entered and closed the door behind me, I could see Veronica sat behind an expansive, imposing ...
    ... desk, her jacket hung neatly over the plush, broad shoulders of the high-backed leather chair on which she was sat. She was hunched industriously over a scattered sea of papers and several weighty legal volumes, some of which were in small untidy piles and others open in front of her, holding an expensive-looking silver pen between her slender, red-tipped fingers and writing avidly. It was obvious that she had been hard at work for quite some time. I moved a little closer to the edge of her desk, hardly daring to do anything to interrupt the silent energy that was pervading the whole room. There I waited, clutching the black file to my chest and feeling, as the moments ticked by, more and more like an anxious schoolgirl who had been called to the headmistress’s study for failing to hand her homework in on time. Eventually, signing whatever papers she was working on with a flourish of her pen, Veronica raised her eyes and looked at me. I felt a mysterious mix of nervousness and semi-embarrassment begin to bathe me and lowered my eyes slightly. “Is there a problem, Lucy?” she asked. I felt that perhaps there was, but at that precise moment I was unable to identify it. Part of me wondered how Veronica could so confidently feel no sense of awkwardness or self-consciousness about what had happened in the wine bar three days earlier. “No, there isn’t, Honestly,” I replied. “Good,” she said, her tone blunt and disarming. “Now, you can work over there,” she continued, pointing to a ...