An Early Start .
11/20/2017: video and pictures when we having sex in the shower: http://qwiklnk.com/7sBL Because of the accident I missed a year of school and was held back in high school. I had turned eighteen while I was still in twelfth grade. I was getting around fine and followed my doctor's orders closely. He said I was to walk every day come rain or shine. This I did like religion. School had just started up after the read Sex Story
Categories: Dark Fantasy Male / Females Oral Sex Written by women Young Author: lekkerrust12, Source: sexstories.com -
Adam comes home for Christmas
11/18/2017: Adam could not wait to get back to the warmth of Florida from his college in the North East. He liked the university, just not the climate. He was met at his plane by his parents and his fourteen year old little sister, Alice. He was a freshman in college and she was also a freshman, but in high school. It was very hot that day and she was just wearing a loose halter top and some very short and read Sex Story
Categories: Fantasy Erotica Incest Young Author: vektor, Source: sexstories.com -
The Island, Chapter 9
11/17/2017: Chapter 9 I took the game trail back through the jungle to the pool, pondering the bizarre turn my life had taken. Milk and nookie for breakfast two days in a row. I guess it beats coffee and a Danish, anyway. I rinsed off with a quick dip, and then made my way back to camp. Joelle was sitting in the infirmary gnawing on a mango, and I sprang my idea for Dkembe on her. “Really?” she said. “An read Sex Story
Categories: Fiction Erotica Exhibitionism Voyeurism Young Author: Paperbackwriter, Source: sexstories.com -
Sex education
11/17/2017: My name is Matt and I teach music at Hayling school. I am also the sex education teacher there. Every year the sex ed day comes and goes with children sniggering at this or going "ewww" at that. However, one year was different. In January my wife, Lilia, died in a car crash and since then I have been depressed. My wife and I used to fuck like bunnies so as you can imagine, I wasn't getting my read Sex Story
Categories: Fiction Erotica Male/Teen Female School Virginity Young Author: Lord Sylvanas, Source: sexstories.com -
You Ain't Gonna Believe What I Found on the Intrnet
11/17/2017: "You ain't gonna believe what I just found on the internet.” It was the first words my brother, Bill, spoke when I answered the phone. “Do you have your laptop handy?” “Sure, hold on a second… okay, I got it, what’s up?” “Go to XNXX.COM, it’s a helluva good porn site.” “Bill, I don’t need to watch porn to get my dick hard. I’m not old and decrepit, like you.” “Don’t give me any shit, Don, just go read Sex Story
Categories: Fantasy Blowjob Cum Swallowing Discipline, Incest Male/Teen Female Masturbation Rape Spanking, Virginity Young Author: Don'sdick, Source: sexstories.com -
Mrs Williams
11/16/2017: A story one of my friends drunkenly told me, few and far between parts are true but some details have been embellished. I don't write fantastic but I think this came out alright. Enjoy. Mrs Sammy Williams I always knew I liked younger women. When I was a young girl I always fantasised about hansom princes on white horses but as I developed I began to get an itch for women my own age- especially read Sex Story
Categories: Fantasy Ass to mouth Female / Girl, Female/Female Incest Job/Place-of-work Lesbian School Young Author: TimberWolf137, Source: sexstories.com -
Mika and Christina, Chap 7
11/16/2017: Mika and Christina Chapter 7. Pinkies Scouts (Part II) It is nearly late-afternoon this Monday before Akin gets Christina into his car for the drive home. His newest little honey, Olena made sure all the other girls knew he was “hands off my man.” She also made sure that her step-daddy, Kevin knew it. “Don’t you let him have any other girl, no matter what he says,” she told him sternly as she read Sex Story
Categories: Fantasy Anal Male / Female Teens, Young Author: fireengine8, Source: sexstories.com -
A Hot Teen Prescription 3 - Dominance
11/15/2017: ***Third part of the series, what do you think? Comments appreciated.***** I sat on my bed, thinking. It was Wednesday night, just one day removed from giving myself a blowjob with Adrianna's intoxicated mouth. She still had no idea she had taken my baby batter in her belly. She further still had no idea that sitting on my dresser was a package of condoms I had bought earlier on my way home from read Sex Story
Categories: Fiction Extreme, Hardcore Male/Teen Female Rape Teen Virginity Young Author: DaSpark, Source: sexstories.com -
Court Record Chapter Eight
11/15/2017: LIFE TOGETHER For reasons only people in love can explain, Sarah’s life took on new meaning after these events. There were only four weeks remaining until her tutored classes for fall were scheduled to begin. She had been forewarned that this was going to be a home stretch drive. These classes were going to provide her final preparation for college. For reasons you now understand, Sarah decided read Sex Story
Categories: True Story Male / Female Teens, Written by women Young Author: Barbiebnympho, Source: sexstories.com -
We hate clothes - part 04
11/14/2017: We hate clothes by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous parts. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 04 DAY 11 We woke up on top of the bed, heads at opposite ends and the dildo still joining us. I was awake first but I didn’t want to disturb Jude so I just lay there looking out of the window. After a read Sex Story
Categories: Fiction Blowjob Exhibitionism Female exhibitionist, Male / Female Teens, Teen Female/Teen Female, Written by women Young Author: vanessa.evans, Source: sexstories.com