1. Irene's Story - Chapter 2: Oscar Takes Me Dancing

    Date: 8/14/2015, Categories: Cuckold, Author: submissivemom72, Source: LushStories

    ... seeing the expression on Oscar's face change as I pointed to him. He was trying to figure out what Johan and I were discussing, but there was no doubt that the subject involved him. God, I was enjoying being in control of both these men this way! I felt so powerful and in control. "You mean your husband has been sitting back watching us? Watching us on the dance floor? Fuck! This is freaky. Is he going to freak out and try to kick my ass or something?" Johan was struggling to understand the bizarre situation he had stumbled into. I laughed at the very thought of Oscar trying to kick this young Norwegian's ass. Johan was several inches taller, and far more muscular than Oscar. And Oscar was certainly not a violent man; far from it. I doubt he had ever been in a fist fight in his life.. "Oh god, no. Oscar is not a fighter. And tonight is his idea. He wanted to see me flirt and dance. This is his fantasy. Would you like to meet him?" "So you are doing this just for him, just to please him?" Johan asked, ignoring my suggestion that I introduce him to Oscar. "Well, honestly, last night it started out that way. I never even thought of doing something like this. But the idea quickly became mine. I am here with you right now because I want to be with you. It is just a nice coincidence that my husband wants me to be here. Let me introduce you to him. He's a nice guy; you'll like him," I said as I stood up and offered my hand to Johan. Johan hesitated for a moment. He could decide ...
    ... that this was too weird and back away, or he could allow me to introduce him to Oscar. I was not sure what he would decide. After a lengthy ten seconds, Johan took my hand and stood up, saying, "This is one of the weirdest situations I've ever been in. This is not what I was expecting tonight." My ego soared as I realized that he found me so irresistible that he was willing to meet my husband on the hope that he would get to spend more time with me. I felt so very sexy and desirable at that moment. I took his arm and leaned into him, showing him as much genuine affection as I could as we approached Oscar's table. I wanted to make it clear to Oscar that I really liked this one, and I was not done playing. Oscar stood as we approached his table. I sensed a nervous excitement in his face and demeanor. I nuzzled into Johan's side as I said, "Honey, I would like you to meet my new best friend, Johan. Johan is visiting our fair city from Stavanger, Norway. Johan, this is my husband, Oscar." Oscar and Johan shook hands and exchanged pleasantries. Looking at Oscar, but snuggling into Johan, I said, "Is it okay if we join you? Johan is a very charming young man. I would like you to get to know him a bit. I like him a lot." Oscar looked very uncomfortable. He seemed unsure what was happening. "Sure, please. Sit down." We sat down, I positioned myself a bit closer to Johan than to Oscar, but I made sure I was seated fairly close to both my dates for the evening. "Oscar, Johan is here for a ...