1. Learning - The Next Chapter 2

    Date: 9/29/2016, Categories: Fantasy Boy, Consensual Sex Erotica Incest Teen Male / Female Teen Male/Teen Female Young Author: oldsteve, Source: sexstories.com

    ... threw their items out of the pool, and then Ann and Sally looked at each other, fumbled for a minute under the water, and then threw their panties out! I needed oxygen, if not a hospital! “Only one thing left, girls: Stevie`s costumes; hardly seems fair if you still have yours on, young man…” but I swam away, red-faced and squeaking, as the girls laughed and swam after me, chasing. I reached the side, but Ann caught me before I had my body out, and she held my chest up on the pool surround, while Sally bared my bottom pulling my costumes off. “Ow, that hurts Sal” as she pulled them over my cock painfully, and threw them out. She patted my bottom “well, you are the one with the big cock, Stevie, and which seems to be always hard and sticking out now, so it`s your fault if your clothes get stuck on it” and Ann said “wait until you turn around and see Mrs. B., Stevie – your dick will sure be sticking out hard then.” They let me go, and I slipped back under the water as I turned around. Mavis` breasts were above the waterline; if she had milk in them, she could have fed all 3 of us forever – they were so big! The 3 girls had the advantage here, clearly: they all had cunts and boobs, ignoring the differences between them - at least the parts were the same. I was the lone male, and my major male body part was in need of hiding: but, where it wanted to hide was in one of the cunts facing me under the water; it was positively aching with arousal! As the oldest, Mavis deserved the ...
    ... most respect. As the owner of the pool: equally so. As the woman with the biggest tits I had ever seen, and the cunt I had yet to see…well, it was only polite I swim across to her, following my cock, and say…well, nothing actually, because she poked a water-hardened nipple at my face, and my mouth ate it whole, with as much breast as my young mouth could fit with it. My cock was waving about under the water, my legs kicking, but Mavis was able to stand; she grabbed my bottom and pulled me at her, and…glory be: she had a very bushy cunt waving like seaweed around my cock and groin! Flashes of Aunty Alice`s bush came to mind, and I wanted to eat Mavis` now too! But she wanted a fucking; “where did you get this big dick from” Mavis asked, “god, I have been horny all day since I saw you at Matilda`s; do you know what to do with it yet, Stevie?” In response, I stretched one arm down, grabbed my cock and played it around through her bush until I felt her entrance, and then moved my hand to her buttocks, and pushed her against me while my hips and buttock muscles thrust my cock forward and up. I took my mouth from her breast and answered her: “yes, I do.” But she wasn`t listening, but rather sucking in air as I went inside her and burrowed my way as far as possible, but it was difficult in a swimming pool – a new lesson learned – because, as big as I was now, I couldn`t stand on the bottom anyway, and to fuck at the same time as my legs were without any solid object to push against was ...